Monday, January 12, 2015

[Watch] Sen Graham – Regime’s Ridiculous Idiocy, Denial On Display In Paris – Why Send Holder?

[Watch] Sen Graham – Regime’s Ridiculous Idiocy, Denial On Display In Paris – Why Send Holder?

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One Paris suspect is believed to have gotten away into Syria through our NATO ally Turkey. That’s the road well-travelled for terrorists joining the ranks of ISIS or just going back home for a vacation away from the stress of jihad.
Eric Holder released a statement saying the U.S. has “no credible information to determine who is behind these attacks.” The only incredible information the U.S. has is that which they are disgorging onto the American people.
Senator Lindsey Graham (R-SC), a member of the Senate armed services committee is anxious to make that point, saying, “To Eric Holder there is a lot of credible information that the people behind these attacks are radical Islamists who’ve been involved in the fight for years. One of them went to jail for flowing fighters into Iraq. So this is not a mystery, Attorney General Holder, we know exactly what’s going on here.”
The host calls Holder’s comments extraordinary, to which Graham shakes his head in disgust and says, “It’s ridiculous.” He adds, “I have no idea why the ‘president’ of the United States won’t call this a religious war when the President of Egypt does. Our strategy to combat radical Islam is failing. ‘President’ Obama’s world view has been I don’t want to be George Bush. Radical Islam has risen in the last three or four years on his watch. Pulling our troops out of Iraq against sound military advice has allowed the al-Qaeda in Iraq to rise again to become ISIL.” He says the U.S. orchestrated overthrow in Libya without dealing with the militias has been a perfect storm to lead to the rise of radical Islam all over the world and he puts the responsibility “at the feet of our ‘president.’”
As for the selection of Eric Holder, a law enforcement officer to represent the U.S. in a wartime issue in Paris, Graham prefaces his remarks with a disparaging chuckle, saying, “I wouldn’t send my Attorney General if I were President to deal with radical Islamic terrorists we’re at war with. This is an international war, it’s a global war, we don’t have a strategy. I hope that Congress will do a global risk assessment about how many groups are out there and what kind of comprehensive strategy we can come up with to defeat them.”
He makes the point that “The Attorney General is a law enforcement officer and it says all you need to know about Obama’s view of this conflict. He thinks it’s a crime out of control, I think it’s a war out of control.”
He says the demonstrations are great symbolism but they mean nothing if we don’t follow them up with effective action.
He calls out the pacifist French for their early withdrawal from Afghanistan and their failure to join in the fight in Iraq and Syria against Islamic terrorism. If they really want to strike back, they have the means through which to do so.
He’s asked what we should be doing differently in the war and he says the first thing should be an end to the release of prisoners from Gitmo, citing the high number of terrorists set for release from that facility which are Yemeni citizens, a nation in which one of the Paris terrorists underwent training with al-Qaeda. He says an effort to institute a moratorium on prisoner releases will soon be underway in the Senate.
He also believes we need to bolster and intensify our ineffective actions against ISIS and to get serious about winning this war.
Rick Wells is a conservative writer who recognizes that our nation, our Constitution and our traditions are under a full scale assault from multiple threats. Please “Like” him on Facebook, “Follow” him on Twitter or visit
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