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Just before Hurricane Sandy, Obama signed executive order merging Homeland Security with private sector to create virtual dictatorship

Just before Hurricane Sandy, Obama signed executive order merging Homeland Security with private sector to create virtual dictatorship

Wednesday, November 07, 2012 by: Ethan A. Huff, staff writer
Tags: Obama, executive order, dictatorship

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(NaturalNews) While all eyes were on Hurricane Sandy in the days leading up to the storm's breach on the mainland of the Northeast, the White House was busy devising new ways to enslave Americans under the guise of protecting national security. On October 26, 2012, Barack Obama quietly signed an Executive Order (EO) establishing the so-called Homeland Security Partnership Council, a public-private partnership that basically merges the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) with local governments and the private sector for the implied purpose of giving the Executive Branch complete and limitless control over the American people.

One of the most effective ways by which the federal government has been able to spread its tendrils into every level of state, regional, and local governments in years past has been to continually convince the people that terrorism lurks around every corner, and that the federal government is needed to provide safety. This, of course, is how blatantly unconstitutional provisions like the Patriot Act and the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) were able to get passed with relative ease -- without these draconian expansions of federal control over American affairs, the terrorists will win, we were all told.

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This is precisely the angle being taken with the new EO, except it goes even further in conflating federal power structures with local governments and the private sector. Based on the eery language contained in the EO, the federal government appears ready to begin rapidly expanding its command and control operations at the local level by establishing a vast network of homeland security "partnerships" throughout the country, which will be tasked with reporting back to the central command center and feeding "intelligence" information as requested by federal officials.

"[W]e must tap the ingenuity outside government through strategic partnerships with the private sector, nongovernmental organizations, foundations, and community-based organizations," says the EO. It goes on to add that the merger between the federal government and the private sector is necessary to facilitate the government's desire to better "address homeland security priorities," which includes things like "responding to natural disasters ... (and) preventing terrorism by utilizing diverse perspectives, skills, tools, and resources."

An official Steering Committee will be established with representatives from virtually every single three and four-letter federal agency, and this committee will be guided by a separate council on how to best incorporate the federal government and DHS into every nook and cranny of American society. Once established, this council will maintain control over presumably all aspects of society by overseeing a secret police force comprised of spies from schools, community groups, churches, and various other local institutions.

"[W]e must institutionalize an all-of-Nation effort to address the evolving threats to the United States," adds the ominous EO, which was flown under the radar of the mainstream media.

You can read the complete EO for yourself at: http://www.whitehouse.gov
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