Tuesday, December 30, 2014

Obama (Barry Soetoro) is the visible head of the largest crime syndicate in history

TIME IS OF THE ESSENCE: Obama (Barry Soetoro) is the visible head of the largest crime syndicate in history and he and his co-conspirators are presently cementing their coup d’état in place.

These two are conspiring against you, against your family, against our Republic, and against our posterity—willfully violating and alienating the rule of law.
This article reveals that a coup d’état has in fact taken place in the United States, that Obama is the visible head of it, that he and his co-conspirators have been willfully violating and alienating the rule of law, (i.e., circumventing all of the fundamental principles and highest security measures of our nation), and that the litmus test as to whether or not a member of Congress, judge or justice in our courts, or other public officer is conspiring with Obama, (i.e., disrespects the rule of law), is whether or not he/she has been standing publicly and formally declaring the “objections” to Obama’s ineligibility to assume the Office of President, i.e., the “objections” required by the United States Constitution and 3 U.S.C. § 15, including required “objections” to the refusal to make the “call for objections” required by our Constitution and 3 U.S.C. § 15.
NOTE: The rule of law is what matters: Without the rule of law We the People are no longer a republic and no longer “governed by the people for the people.”
What is a coup d’état?
Instigated by a group of co-conspirators within the existing state establishment to depose the established government and replace it with a new ruling body. A coup d’état is considered successful when the usurpers establish their dominance. Wikipedia
The facts are that Obama (Barry Soetoro) — if placed under the rule of law — is not the President, that he and his co-conspirators willfully placed him above the rule of law, that they have been covering up these facts (their crimes) to achieve dominance, to protect one another, and that the rule of law requires that Obama and they be arrested. The rule of law also states that when the chain of command in government refuses to hold themselves accountable that it is the right and the duty of each American citizen to do so by whatever means necessary.
Article II, Section 1 clause 5 United States Constitution.
Twentieth Amendment United States Constitution states in part:
“… if the President elect shall have failed to qualify, then the Vice President elect shall act as President until a President shall have qualified, and the Congress may by law provide for the case wherein neither a President elect nor a Vice President elect shall have qualified, declaring who shall then act as President, or the manner in which one who is to act shall be elected, and such person shall act accordingly until a President or Vice President shall have “qualified.”
… “Upon such reading of any such certificate or paper, the President of the Senate shall call for objections, if any.”
NOTE: The word “shall” in the Twentieth Amendment and in 3 U.S.C. § 15 do not imply that the President of the Senate has discretion to decide to not “call for objections.” (There is no discretionary decision to be made.) Neither do the words “if any” imply that the President of the Senate would know before the count of electoral votes whether or not there were “objections” to be made. Quite the opposite, the words “shall” and “if any” mean that the President of the Senate is required to find out if there are any “objections” by making the “call for objections.” And if words have any meaning at all, “shall” and “if any” clearly mean that it is mandatory that the President of the Senate make the “call for objections” to determine whether Obama is “qualified”.
To begin with, Obama has known all along that he could never legally “qualify” to assume the status of President, so with a small band of co-conspirators he concocted a scheme to persuade the members of Congress, judges and justices in our courts and other public officers to not only disregard the established and known constitutional eligibility requirements relative to him, but also all of the electoral and Congressional processes required by their oaths of office, the Twentieth Amendment of our Constitution and 3 U.S.C. § 15, processes which require them to make the “objections” to Obama’s ineligibility and the “call for objections”.
Pelosi v. Clinton
Manipulating women in Congress was an integral part of Obama’s scheme.
NOTE: It is the rule of law that determines whether or not Obama is “qualified” to assume the status of President, not Obama, not the members of Congress and not the judges and justices in our courts: They are all bound by the rule of law. The fact is that Obama was never deemed in accordance with the rule of law to be a “qualified” President elect and is therefore not the President.
After eight attempts in Congress to change the established and known meaning of “natural born Citizen,” (i.e., multiple attempts intended to subtly persuade all the members of Congress that the constitutional eligibility requirements were not important and only unfair impediments to certain members of Congress), and after the New York Times challenged John McCain’s eligibility and McCain was alleged in two court cases to be ineligible, Clair McCaskill, an early endorser of Obama, with Obama, Hillary Clinton and other “senators,” realizing that the actions against McCain also threatened Obama, opportunistically co-sponsored and introduced Senate Resolution 511 on April 10, 2008 to persuade judges to not only dismiss the cases and motions for injunctive relief against McCain, but to dismiss all court cases against persons campaigning for the presidency and November 2008 “election” and thereafter.
NOTE: The New York Times did not discuss in its article the fact that the other requirement to qualify as a “natural born Citizen” is that a person must be born to two United States citizens (plural), even though the New York Times knew that Obama’s father had never been a United States citizen.
The first two court cases and motions for declaratory and injunctive relief that had been filed on March 6, 2008 and April 3, 2008, were quickly dismissed. A third action and motion for preliminary injunction filed on August 11, 2008 was also dismissed. And then a fourth action and motion for injunctive relief filed on August 21, 2008, this time alleging Obama to be ineligible, was readily dismissed. None of these court cases were mentioned by Obama and McCain in their televised debates and the cases were dismissed prior to the “election”.
NOTE: It was in fact not an “election,” but is a continuing conspiracy—refusing to inform the voting public and People of the United States of the truth. I don’t know if Sarah Palin knew when she joined McCain’s campaign that Obama was ineligible to assume the Office of President, but she has revealed that McCain’s campaign went to much effort to stop her from speaking.
obamas security
Ugly Wolves are those who willfully violate and alienate the rule of law.
Why would judges with the duty to uphold the rule of law not want to determine whether or not a person campaigning for public office is ineligible to assume the the Office of President; especially when the voting public and People of the United States should be made aware (informed) of a person’s ineligibility as soon as possible? Is it not the duty of the courts to uphold the rule of law and prevent unnecessary damage to a well ordered society? As Rick Hasen has argued in Beyond the Margin of Litigation, it is much better to uphold the rule of law before an election, allowing the problems to be avoided rather than asking the courts to clean up ugly messes afterwards. Also, when a person is deemed to be ineligible, the party still has time to put up a qualified person as a candidate. Apparently, Judge William Alsup does not think judicial review is lawful  prior to an election — he wrote in his order to dismiss as follows:
“Judicial review — if any — should occur only after the electoral and Congressional processes have run their course.”
But the members of Congress entirely disregarded Judge Alsup’s order and the “electoral and Congressional processes” he cited in his order, i.e., they refused to expose McCain’s ineligibility while he was campaigning and also knew that Obama’s father was never an American citizen and that Obama was therefore born a British subject, but again refused to determine in accordance with the “electoral and Congressional processes” whether or not Obama was ineligible to assume the Office of President. In fact, Obama, Clinton, McCain, Pelosi and all the other members of Congress have been conspiring to entirely disregard the “electoral and Congressional processes” (the rule of law)—refusing to declare the constitutionally required objections to Obama’s ineligibility and the “call for objections” required in 3 U.S.C § 15 — requirements of law Judge Alsup cited as conditions for why he wrote his order to dismiss. Judge Alsup in fact instructed the members of Congress in their responsibilities (duty) to obey the “electoral and Congressional processes”.
NOTE: Although Obama co-sponsored Senate Resolution 511 and knew he was not “born to American citizens” (plural), he campaigned: Violated and alienated Article II, Section 1 clause 5 of the Constitution and his senatorial oath to support and defend the Constitution. The fact that Obama did not conceal from the members of Congress and the judges and justices in the courts that his father was never an American citizen reveals that he knew and was fully assured that he had many co-conspirators in Congress and the courts who would not make the required “objections” to his ineligibility, i.e., co-conspirators who had already decided to not inform the voting public and People of the United States of his ineligibility and to violate their oaths to support and defend the Constitution.
Senate Resolution 511
Senate Resolution 511 acknowledges one of the requirements within the meaning of the term “natural born Citizen”: That the person “be born to American citizens” (plural), but refutes the second requirement, i.e., that the person be born in the United States.
American citizens need to know that We the People today do not have representatives in Congress, nor honorable judges and justices in the courts, i.e., that We the People are no longer governed “by the people for the people,” but by traitors who think they have conquered us.
Article II, Section 1 clause 5 United States Constitution
Obama, Clinton, McCaskill and the other “senators” who unanimously agreed to Senate Resolution 511 did not only use the resolution to influence federal judges in 2008 to dismiss actions and motions for declaratory and injunctive relief, but also to persuade all the other “members of Congress” and all the “judges” and “justices” in our courts to be silent, i.e., to not make any public (formal) “objections” during the campaign nor thereafter, i.e., all of them conspiring to not inform the voting public that Obama is ineligible to assume the Office of President, and to violate their oaths “to support and defend the Constitution.”
NOTE: The end result regarding Obama’s obvious ineligibility is that nobody in all of the “three branches of government” who has taken an oath “to support and defend the Constitution” and 3 U.S.C. § 15 has done so. Instead, We the People now have a constitutional crisis caused by numerous so-called “public officers” (traitors) conspiring against the rule of law—willfully violating their oaths.
NOTE: Judge Alsup did not determine whether or not McCain was eligible to assume the Office of President.
The “members of Congress” today refuse to mention the word “usurpation” and numerous “judges and justices” in our courts have dismissed lawful complaints (actions) which allege that Obama is not a natural born Citizen and is therefore ineligible to assume the Office of President. The “members of Congress” and “judges and the justices” have been conspiring by claiming that Americans do not have standing to challenge Obama’s ineligibility, not even to protect the United States Constitution and other constitutional laws (our Republic).
NOTE: It appears that these “judges and justices” in our courts (in our judicial branch) have exactly the same opinion that Judge Alsup does, i.e., that the “electoral and Congressional processes” must take place before any litigation (judicial review) can be lawfully afforded. But what is really true is that it all boil down to the fact that many “judges and justices” have labeled challenges to ineligible persons in the courts as political maneuvering instead of upholding the rule of law. Judge Alsup wrote in his order as follows:
“Plaintiff will appear on the November ballot as an elector pledged to  Alan Keyes, a third-party candidate, and seeks to defeat Senator McCain through litigation rather than via the democratic process, moving for an order to remove Senator McCain from the California ballot in November.
NOTE: It appears that Judge Alsup has entirely neglected his duty to uphold the rule of law by reminding the members of Congress of their duty.
Obama, the “members of Congress,” “judges and justices” in our courts (also in their secret “courts”) and their co-conspirators in the “executive branch” are in fact willfully violating and alienating natural rights that are the highest and foremost security measures of the United States. The so-called “Patriot Act,” the overt assembling of the so-called “Department of Homeland Security,” including the arming and training of “federal agencies” not previously armed, are in fact the acts of levying war against the United States.
“The electoral and Congressional processes” which Judge Alsup cites in his order are legal requirements of the rule of law, and the fact is that these “processes” are, as Judge Alsup immediately acknowledges in his order to dismiss, directly related to “the meaning” of the term “natural born Citizen” in Article II, Section 1 clause 5 of our Constitution, i.e., “processes” intended by our founding fathers for the members of Congress to determine legally whether or not a person is “qualified” to campaign and is a “qualified” President elect. Judge Alsup wrote in his order to dismiss as follows and specifically quotes Article II, Section 1 clause 5 of our Constitution:
“Senator John McCain, this action alleges, is not a ‘natural-born citizen’ within the meaning of Article II of the Constitution of the United States and is therefore ineligible to assume the Office of President.”
“Article II states that ‘No Person except a natural born Citizen, or a Citizen of the United States, at the time of the Adoption of this Constitution, shall be eligible to the Office of President.'”
Der Preuáische Justizminister Hans Kerrl bei einem Besuch im Referendarlager in Jterbog.
Obama and his co-conspirators disrespect the rule of law as Nazis did.
Judge Alsup made his (order) decision to dismiss, in part, on his opinion that the “only” appropriate time and actions to challenge a person who is alleged to be constitutionally ineligible to assume the Office of President is not to challenge the person in a court of law prior to an election, but to object publicly for the benefit of the voting public and People of the United States while the person is campaigning and in “objections” registered after the electoral votes are counted as required in the Twentieth Amendment of our Constitution and 3 U.S.C. § 15. Judge Alsup was referring to the “objections” to the violation and alienation of Article II, Section I clause 5 of the United States Constitution and to the “call for objections” required in 3 U.S.C. § 15 as follows:
3 U.S.C. § 15 states in part as follows:
“; and the votes having been ascertained and counted according to the rules in this subchapter provided, the result of the same shall be delivered to the President of the Senate, who shall thereupon announce the state of the vote, which announcement shall be deemed a sufficient declaration of the persons, if any, elected President and Vice President of the United States, and, together with a list of the votes, be entered on the Journals of the two Houses. Upon such reading of any such certificate or paper, the President of the Senate shall call for objections, if any.
Judge Alsup wrote as follows when citing 3 U.S.C. §15 and he quoted from the statute and the Twentieth Amendment of our Constitution:
“The statute provides a mechanism for objections to be registered and resolved.”
“[e]very objection shall be made in writing, and shall state clearly and concisely, and without argument, the ground thereof, and shall be signed by at least one Senator and one Member of the House of Representatives before the same shall be received. When all objections so made … shall have been received and read, the Senate shall thereupon withdraw, and such objections shall be submitted to the Senate for its decision: and the Speaker of the House of Representatives shall, in like manner, submit such objections to the House of Representatives for its decision.”
“ibid. The Twentieth Amendment further provides:
“… if the President elect shall have failed to qualify, then the Vice President elect shall act as President until a President shall have qualified, and the Congress may by law provide for the case wherein neither a President elect nor a Vice President elect shall have qualified, declaring who shall then act as President, or the manner in which one who is to act shall be elected, and such person shall act accordingly until a President or Vice President shall have qualified.”
Judge Alsup continues in his order to dismiss as follows:
“It is clear that mechanisms exist under the Twelfth Amendment and 3 U.S.C. 15 for any challenge to any candidate to be ventilated when electoral votes are counted and that the Twentieth Amendment provides guidance regarding how to proceed if a president elect shall have failed to qualify. Issues regarding qualifications for president are quintessentially suited to the foregoing process. Arguments concerning qualifications or lack thereof can be laid before the voting public before the election and, once the election is over, can be raised as objections as the electoral votes are counted in Congress. The members of the Senate and the House of Representatives are well qualified to adjudicate any objections to ballots for allegedly unqualified candidates. Therefore, this order holds that the challenge presented by plaintiff is committed under the Constitution to the electors and the legislative branch, at least in the first instance. Judicial review — if any — should occur only after the electoral and Congressional processes have run their course. Texas v. United States, 523 U.S. 296, 300–02 (1998).”
But McCain, having most certainly read Judge Alsup’s order to dismiss, and who knew what Senate Resolution 511 stated, did not expose Obama’s ineligibility to the voting public while Obama was campaigning, nor did Obama expose McCain. Instead, Obama, McCain, Clinton, Pelosi, the other members of Congress, and other co-conspirators, including the mainstream news media, conspired to cover up their ineligibility during their public campaigns, during the count of the electoral votes and after the count of the electoral votes—refusing to inform the voting public and People of the United States of their conspiracy of utter silence during the campaign and that Obama was not a “qualified” President elect.
NOTE: The words “shall” and “if any” in 3 U.S.C. § 15 (above) do not imply that the President of the Senate has any discretion to decide not to make the “call for objections.” There is no discretionary decision to be made, nor do the words “if any” imply that the President of the Senate would know in advance of the count of the electoral votes whether or not there were “objections”. Quite the opposite, the words “if any” mean that the President of the Senate is to find out after counting the votes if there are any “objections” by making the “call for objections.” If words have any meaning at all, the word “shall” means it is mandatory that the President of the Senate “call for objections.”
Judge Alsup has not only made a specific point of stating that the “The members of the Senate and the House of Representatives are well qualified to adjudicate any objections to ballots for allegedly unqualified candidates,” but by quoting from our Constitution and citing 3 U.S.C. § 15 acknowledges the Supreme Law of the Land, including the oaths that have been taken by public officers. In other words, Judge Alsup specifically wrote in his decision that all the members of the Senate and House of Representatives know the eligibility requirements of the United States Constitution and their oaths, and are required by the People of the United States to apply them in the required “processes”.
Second fiddle
The mainstream news media conspires with Obama, John Kerry and their friends.
Obama can never legally assume the status of President of the United States.
The members of Congress, including the President of the Senate, being aware that Obama’s father was never an American citizen and, as Judge Alsup stated are “well qualified to adjudicate” are required by their oaths to object to Obama’s ineligibility.
NOTE: Judge Alsup’s carefully outlined the processes that are required by the rule of law to take place in determining whether or not a per4son is a “qualified” President elect, and the fact is that none of the “processes” he cited took place: No formal “objections” to Obama’s ineligibility were made by any  “member” of Congress, (e.g., not by McCain nor by Clinton in public debates), and no “call for objections” against his ineligibility after count the electoral votes.
The facts have been absolutely laid bare, i.e., the voting public and the People of the United States were not informed during the campaigns in 2008 and 2012 nor after the count of electoral votes in 2009 and 2013 by those responsible to do so of the fact that Obama is not a “qualified” President elect.
Obama also cannot be lawfully impeached, because our Constitution provides for the impeachment of a president, not a usurper. Obama only pretends to hold the “Office of President” — he is a usurper, not President of the United States. The “members of  Congress” know this and that is why they do not proceed with articles of impeachment for usurpation: To do so would expose the fact that they are complicit in the usurpation and Obama’s other crimes. There is a reason why “public officers” who have been willfully violating their oaths—conspiring with Obama while falsely claiming to represent us and protecting their interests do not want to arrest Obama for impersonating a public officer.
 This post is in progress. Please check back for additional content.
NOTE: Congress had already willfully violated our Constitution many times, so it was not upsetting to the “members” of Congress to do so again.
There is no primary evidence that Barry’s mother was married to Obama Sr from Kenya or that he was adopted by Obama Sr from Kenya. But there is primary evidence that his mother was married to Lolo Soetoro and enrolled him in school as Barry Soetoro –
Muslims accuse Americans who oppose Islam of being “racists”. This is because of Obama’s “Story of Race, “Inheritance” and support for Islam in his books: Islam is not about “Race” (Obama is black and white), but about Arab invaders who are infiltrating, colonizing and claiming that their inheritance is to dominate the world. Deitrich Bonhoeffer was stripped naked, as Jews were, and led into the execution yard, where the Nazis hanged him for speaking, which is exactly what Muslims do.
For “representatives” and “public officers” to conceal willful violations of the rule of law from the People of the United States, is to lie, commit acts of fraud against the People, and obfuscate the law. Obama has been publicly lying since his first book “Dreams from My Father, A Story of Race and Inheritance” was published in 1995: All of his lies aimed at infiltrating public offices and destroying the United States.
By willfully violating and alienating the rule of law Obama (Barry Soetoro) and his co-conspirators have been willfully doing the following:
a. Have been removing the protection of the laws, i.e., refusing to enforce the laws — instead supplanting them with ex post facto laws.
b. Have been committing fraud against the voting public and People of the United States, i.e., lying and stealing from We the People.
c. Have been depriving We the People of representation
d. Have been violating the public trust
e. Have been acting in a seditious conspiracy against our Government, i.e., against the Government of the United States
f. Have been aiding and comforting the enemies of the United States 
g. Have been supplanting our Authority with their absolute Despotism
h. Have been overtly assembling an unconstitutional (private) army against the People of the United States, i.e., levying war against the United States
i. Have been disarming the People of the United States
j. Have been appointing one another to offices of government to secure their lawlessness, i.e., to protect one another
k. Have been acting in a conspiracy of silence
l. Have been refusing to arrest one another

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