Thursday, January 15, 2015

BOMBSHELL: New “Fast and Furious” Docs Confirm Exactly What Eric Holder Wanted to Hide

BOMBSHELL: New “Fast and Furious” Docs Confirm Exactly What Eric Holder Wanted to Hide

Monday, December 29th, 2014

It’s always been suspected by most right-thinking individuals that Eric Holder’s “Fast and Furious” operation wasn’t just a botched job by several rogue agents, but a conspiracy that went to the top of the Department of Justice. Those suspicions had always been (mostly) unproven, though.
That is, until now. New documents just released confirm that the conspiracy led to the highest reaches of Holder’s Justice Department and that the operation was used as part of an assault on the Second Amendment by extremist liberals.

The smoking gun in these documents is a bit that proves the complicity of the Department of Justice in using “Fast and Furious” to erode Second Amendment rights. (H/T Poor Richard’s Blog.)
It comes from an internal Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms (ATF) Public Affairs Talking Points memorandum, in which the ATF acknowledges they were using “Fast and Furious” to further public policy aims on gun control.
“These cases demonstrate the ongoing trafficking of firearms by Mexican DTO’s and other associated groups operating in Arizona and the need for reporting of multiple sales for certain types of rifles in order to ferret out those intent on providing firearms to these criminal groups,” the memorandum reads.
Of course, the ATF wasn’t planning on mentioning just where these firearms were coming from, because why spoil a good story with the (very illegal) facts?
Okay, you may say. Perhaps ATF higher-ups weren’t briefed on the extent of “Fast and Furious?”
Yeah, no, this document release destroys that fiction, too. It proves that ATF headquarters in Washington knew full well these weapons were making it into the hands of Mexican drug cartels.
“The firearms are then being trafficked into Mexico using non-factory compartments in various vehicles through various Ports of Entry (POE’s) in Arizona and Texas,” reads a funding request for “Fast and Furious” in October, 2010.
“Since the ATF case was initiated, agents have identified approximately twenty-seven straw purchasers who have purchased a large amount of AK-47 style rifles and pistols from various FFLs in the Phoenix Metropolitan area and Prescott, Arizona, since September 2009.”
Note the “are then being trafficked” in the first paragraph. The present tense indicates that the operation was ongoing and the higher-ups in Washington were aware of it.
While I understand it’s hard to keep up with all of the Obama scandals, it would be nice to hear something about this in the mainstream media.
Alas, Playstation hacks and a Seth Rogen movie that inexplicably peeved the petty satrap of a starving country are apparently more important, if you go by CNN.
Eric Holder’s lucky he’s a Democrat. A Republican would already be serving time for this.

Please like and share on Facebook and Twitter if you think it’s about time Attorney General Holder is charged for his role in the shameful, Constitution-gouging “Fast and Furious” scandal.

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