Revelation, Chapter 16
To skip the Introduction for Revelation chapter 16, Chapter 16 Scripture Begins Here
Revelation chapter 16 describe the final
seven Vials of the wrath of God, representing the climax of God's punishment of
sinners during the Tribulation period. No repentance is invited or shown. The
judgments are somewhat parallel both to the 10 plaques on Egypt and to the
trumpets of chapters 8 and 9.
bowls are more total and universal in their effects than were the trumpets, and
generally affect people more directly.
16:1 And I heard a great voice out of the temple saying to the seven angels, Go
your ways, and pour out the vials of the wrath of God upon the earth.
seven angels, each holding a bowl containing the judgments that are about to
fall on the earth, seem reluctant to cast forth their bitter judgments. However,
they are obedient to the voice of God when He speaks: These bowls constitute
what the Lord Jesus referred to as the "great distress" (Mat. 24 v.21), or the
last 42 months of the Tribulation period.
Great Tribulation
Four of these seven judgments occurred literally in Egypt among the ten plagues
and have never been accepted by credible Bible teachers as anything but literal.
In addition, part of the 6th judgment; that of drying up the Euphrates River and
producing frogs, was also literally fulfilled during the history of Israel.
Frogs were generated as one of the plagues of Egypt, and both the Red Sea and
Jordan River were rolled back so that God's people could walk forth on dry
Therefore, nothing new will be transpiring when God dries up the Euphrates River
in order that the kings of the East may march over on dry ground.
the plagues of Egypt were literal, and they certainly were, why should we not
expect these awful judgments likewise to be literal?
16:2 And the first went, and poured out his vial upon the earth; and there fell
a noisome and grievous sore upon the men which had the mark of the beast, and
[upon] them which worshipped his image.
First Bowl Judgment - Foul and Loathsome Sores - when men choose to worship Antichrist
rather than Christ and demonstrate their allegiance by accepting the mark of the
beast, God responds by sending on them a plague of "foul and loathsome" sores.
John makes it clear that these awful sores afflict only those who worship the
Antichrist and who have accepted the mark of the Beast; no Tribulation saint
suffers from them.
Further confirmation that the three judgments; the seals, the trumpets, and the
vials are sequential, not concurrent, (as some bible teachers suggest) is
clarified in the time of this judgment.
Antichrist will not be set up as the object of worship until the middle of the
Tribulation period. This judgment falls on the human race because of their
worship of Antichrist, which can only occur after the middle of the
Tribulation. (Revelation Chapter 13)
recipients are the beast worshipers. The selection from among the peoples on the
earth is clearly seen in this passage: Only those containing the mark of the
beast and worshiping his image will be selected for those awful sores.
Mark of the Beast
This indicates that God in His marvelous grace will not bring judgment on
believers during this latter half of Tribulation, but will protect them as He
did the Israelites during the plagues of Egypt.
This further confirms our assumption that in the previous judgments, when He
slays 25 % and then another third of the world's population that's remaining,
(making a total of 50%) He will exempt believers.
16:3 And the second angel poured out his vial upon the sea; and it became as the
blood of a dead [man]: and every living soul died in the sea.
The Second Bowl Judgment - Now the second angel pours out his bowl on the sea, and
it turns into blood like that of a dead man, and every living thing in the sea
have already seen that God will cause a third part of the sea to turn to blood
during the 2nd trumpet, but this second bowl includes the entire sea. Imagine
when all living creatures in the seas die. Think of the unbearable stench and
the potential for disease.
This judgment may well interfere with commercial shipping and send whole
populations into confusion as people grope for an adequate supply of water, not
to mention destroying what is left of the fish industry.
16:4 And the third angel poured out his vial upon the rivers and fountains of
waters; and they became blood.
The Third Bowl Judgment -The third bowl, a sequel to the second, carries with it an
interesting explanation as to why God will permit it. God will destroy the only
remaining sources of water, the rivers and fountains or springs of the deep, by
letting them turn to blood.
Whether this means literal blood is inconsequential, for if Christ can turn
water to wine, He certainly can turn water to blood. What is significant is that
it will become corrupt blood, which will breed disease and pestilence. One of
the basic needs of humankind is water. Unless God provides water from another
source or engineers by some process can turn this corrupted water into pure
water, the world will be in a state of riot and confusion, seeking this
necessity of life.
of this describes devastation beyond what we can comprehend. The judgment of God
has fallen. Sometimes, God uses wars to bring His will about. At any rate, this
no doubt does away with a good part of humanity.
16:5 And I heard the angel of the waters say, Thou art righteous, O Lord, which
art, and wast, and shalt be, because thou hast judged thus.
Notice here, this is not the people saying that God is righteous. This is the
angel saying God is righteous. At no time do the people repent. The angel here
is saying that this judgment that God has brought is justified. This God
mentioned here is the I Am.
16:6 For they have shed the blood of saints and prophets, and thou hast given
them blood to drink; for they are worthy.
seems that blood in their water supply is in punishment for the blood of the
saints and prophets. Throughout the ages, the world and its evil system has
been opposed to God and His people. They deserve this punishment.
16:7 And I heard another out of the altar say, Even so, Lord God Almighty, true
and righteous [are] thy judgments.
bad as these judgments are, they are deserved. As it was said before, everyone
likes to think of God as love, but few remember, also, that He is the Judge of
the world. Thank God His grace saved me. He is longsuffering, not willing that
even one should perish. However, there is a day of reckoning when the God of the
entire world will judge fairly. This seems to be that time.
16:8 And the fourth angel poured out his vial upon the sun; and power was given
unto him to scorch men with fire.
Fourth Bowl Judgment - The Sun Scorches Men - Their mouths already parched from lack of
water, those who are unrepentant suffer even more intense thirst when God causes
the sun to "scorch" them with "great heat". But even this does not drive the
rebels to their knees in repentance. Instead, they blaspheme the name of God
"who has power over these plagues; and they did not repent and give Him glory."
right the angel was who said to God, "True and righteous are Your judgments".
(16 v.7) Like Pharaoh, their hearts have become hardened (Exodus
7:13, 22, 8:15, 19, 32, 9:7, 34, 35).
environmentalists are telling us every day that we are destroying the Ozone
layer above the earth. Every time a person sprays their hair or uses an aerosol
spray of any kind it does away with Ozone. The scientists tell us that this is
so thin that it might just go away altogether. And if it did, people would die
by the thousands from harmful rays from the sun that had not been filtered to
make them safe.
see, God put this earth together very intricately and man, in changing God's
ways, has messed up the atmosphere. An interesting thing to note in connection
with this is, that it takes just a very thin coat of the shed blood of Jesus to
protect us from the enemy. What a comparison.
16:9 And men were scorched with great heat, and blasphemed the name of God,
which hath power over these plagues: and they repented not to give him glory.
With this type of rays from the sun, they would be covered with sores. This
terrible plague is vented at the beast and its followers. The worst thing they
could possibly do was to curse God, and that is just what they did. They did
not repent, their hearts had been hardened. They either were not aware of God's power or just did not want to give
Him the glory. Either way, they are in trouble.
This type of "heat" would burn up all crops, cause droughts, and probably
even melt all of the polar ice region.
16:10-11 "And the fifth angel poured out his vial upon the seat of the beast;
and his kingdom was full of darkness; and they gnawed their tongues for pain,"
"And blasphemed the God of heaven because of their pains and their sores, and
repented not of their deeds."
The Fifth Bowl Judgment - Darkness: What's John talking about when he refers to the
judgment falling upon the throne or seat of the beast and his kingdom? It's
probably best to think of the beast's throne as a reference to his entire
kingdom since his kingdom was full of darkness. Some see this to mean the city
of Babylon, but his kingdom will be worldwide.
Notice also that tremendous darkness envelops the beast's kingdom. This same
phenomenon occurred in Egypt during the plagues; the whole land was consumed in
darkness so oppressive that Moses said you could actually feel it. That's the
sort of thing that will come upon the kingdom of the Antichrist at this time.
This divine judgment
will give a physical illustration of their spiritual darkness.
see, the beast may have control of evil men upon the earth, but he cannot
control God or nature.
This "darkness" here was not just physical darkness, which is bad enough;
but this "darkness" is of the spirit, as well, bringing depression,
attempted suicide, and all sorts of evil attacks on the mind.
Two things indicate that this darkness will prevail for some time on the earth:
the predictions of other prophets, and the effects on human beings. This
judgment, a repetition of the 9th plague of Egypt, is to be understood
"Woe to you who long for the day of the Lord! Why do you long for the day of the
Lord? That day will be darkness, not light." (Amos 5 v.18)
can withstand his indignation? Who can endure his fierce anger? His wrath is
poured out like fire; the rocks are shattered before him" "but with an
overwhelming flood he will make an end of Nineveh; he will pursue his foes into
darkness." (Nahum 1 v.6,8)
"That day will be a day of wrath, a day of distress and anguish, a day of trouble
and ruin, a day of darkness and gloom, a day of clouds and blackness". (Zephaniah
1 v.15)
Christ's own prediction was: "But in those days, following that distress, "the
sun will be darkened, and the moon will not give its light" (Mark 13 v.24). The
effects on people, described in Rev. 16 v.10 ("Men gnawed their tongues in
agony"), indicate that the relief from the heat will soon produce an
exasperating, frustrating darkness. We may forecast that human ingenuity in
producing electricity may solve this problem, but we must remember that the
water supply produces electricity, and with the tampering of the water supply,
as seen in the second and third judgments, people may be incapable of continuing
to draw electrical power and illumination from the rivers and bodies of water.
These judgments are so clearly supernatural that everyone will know that they
descend from the God of heaven. But instead of falling down before Him to become
the recipients of His mercy, people only "cursed the God of heaven because of
their pains and their sores, but they refused to repent of what they had done."
They not only blaspheme God, but refuse to change their ways. Let it be
understood that those who reject the Lord do so not because of philosophical
doubts or unexplained answers to unanswered questions, but as a result of
hardness of heart and love for sin.
16:12 And the sixth angel poured out his vial upon the great river Euphrates;
and the water thereof was dried up, that the way of the kings of the east might
be prepared.
Sixth Bowl Judgment - Euphrates Dried Up: The sixth bowl judgment comes in 2
parts. (1) the drying up of the Euphrates River, which will be a preparation for
the "battle on the great day of God Almighty;" and (2) the tremendous demon
forces that will bring the rebellious armies of the world to the Valley of
Megiddo for the purpose of opposing the Lord.
The Euphrates River is the eastern border of the land God gave to Abraham (Gen.
15 v.18). It is about 1800 miles long and so large that it forms a natural
barrier against the armies of the world. Most people are not particularly
conscious of the fact that it served as the eastern border of the Roman Empire.
The sixth bowl judgment will dry up that river to make way for the "kings of
the East."
It is likely that when the Euphrates River - the natural boundary between east
and west is dried up," the "kings from the east" will march a sizable
army across to battle with the King of kings. That army will probably be 3 to 5
million strong. These forces will be joined in the valley of Megiddo by huge
armies from all over the world, and while that valley is vast as Napoleon has
said, "the most ideal, natural battlefield in the world", even it has a limit to
how many people it can hold.
This river could have dried up because of the problems caused by some of the
other vials. There will be such a drought that this waterway will dry up and
these armies from the east will come into Israel on dry land.
These kings from the east have befuddled Bible prophecy scholars for many years,
for few scholars mentioned anything about them. That is, until the communist
takeover of China after WW2. Since then it has become apparent that this largest
of all countries, by population, has a prophetic role in end time events.
China is controlled by some of the most dedicated Communists in the world. They
are not "reformers" or "progressive" as our media tried to represent them a few
years ago. They are a ruthless group of elite gangsters who have never wavered
in their plan to use China as a military platform from which to conquer the
world. The events of the next 2 decades, if indeed we have that long, will prove
that point. One thing we can be certain: China is not going to go away. John the
Revelator saw them as players on the world scene in the end times.
Even so, the Bible has very little to say about China. In fact, what is said
includes more than just China, for the terms "kings from the east" really means
"kings for the rising sun," which would include Japan and possibly other Asian
John F. Walvoord was considered perhaps the world's foremost interpreter of
biblical prophecy. He was a member of the Dallas Theological Seminary faculty.
He was born in 1910 and died on December 20, 2002. He was 92 years old.
was considered the dean of prophecy scholars when he wrote: There has been some
tendency to take the expression "the kings of the east" literally, "the kings of
the sunrise" as referring specifically to Japan where the rising sun is a symbol
of its political power. However, it is more natural to consider the term "rising
sun" as a synonym for east. The Euphrates River, one of the first rivers
mentioned in the Bible, has served for centuries as the natural dividing line
between East and West.
significance of the rise of China to become a principal player among the nations
of the world was not lost on Dr. John Walvoord. (
China )He saw the prophetic
significance of the Chinese rise to prominence back in 1967 when he wrote:
fact that the rise of Asia has occurred in the 20th century with so many rapid
and unexpected developments is further evidence that the world is moving toward
its final climax and the end of the times of the Gentiles. In Asia, as in other
parts of the world, the stage is being set for the final drama in which the
kings of the east will have their important part.
he were writing on that subject today, he might be inclined to say the curtain
is about to rise. We are the first generation to witness the sleeping giant of
China reach the potential of fulfilling this prophecy. No one doubts that unless
something drastic and unforeseen occurs soon, China will gain control of most of
the countries of the East, with whom she shares many religious and cultural
is realistic to believe that she could be led in these very days by her master,
the dragon, "that old serpent, the devil," to so rebel against God that she
would actually join the armies of the world in opposition to the coming of Jesus
Christ. What is needed to bring her to that point? Very little! Merely the
deceiving spirit forewarned by John the Revelator. She is almost there today and
could gain control of the entire Orient in 10 or 20 years.
Remember, the events of Revelation Rev 16 v.12 do not take place until 7 years
after the rise of Antichrist, which follows the Rapture of the church. More than
enough time to be fulfilled and just one more reason to believe Christ may
return for His church in our generation.
16:13 And I saw three unclean spirits like frogs [come] out of the mouth of the
dragon, and out of the mouth of the beast, and out of the mouth of the false
three unclean spirits are demons who support the activities of Satan, the beast
and the false prophet. By means of miracles, they will convince the eastern
"kings" and all the armies and kings of the earth and of the whole world to
gather in Palestine to fight against the second coming of Christ (Rev. 19 v.19).
This is Satan's final attempt to prevent Christ's return.
unclean spirits will no doubt perform supernatural signs as part of their
deception. Undoubtedly they will work lying wonders to deceive the eastern
kings, seducing them to make the difficult journey to their doom at Armageddon.
16:14 For they are the spirits of devils, working miracles, [which] go forth
unto the kings of the earth and of the whole world, to gather them to the battle
of that great day of God Almighty.
gather them to the battle of that great day of God Almighty. This is the battle
of Armageddon. Armageddon
see, it tells you here that these are "spirits of devils". In other
words, they are the followers of the devil. Demons are the fallen angels who
followed Lucifer out of heaven. These "spirits of devils" have power to do
miracles, just like the Egyptian magicians copied some of Moses' miracles. Their
power is limited, just as was the Egyptians. When Moses threw his rod down and
it became a snake, the Egyptians threw two rods down and they became snakes. The
only difference was that Moses' snake swallowed their snakes, Exodus 7:9 -12.
Bible says that at the end, the devil will have power enough to call down fire
from heaven. His miracles will be so convincing that people will believe a lie.
This is deception to the utmost. These evil spirits are so deceiving, that they
convince these armies to come against Israel. They willingly come to the battle
of Armageddon, believing they will win. This battle is actually the forces of
evil coming against God Himself. This war has actually been going on for
centuries, but here is the culmination of it all.
16:15 Behold, I come as a thief. Blessed [is] he that watcheth, and keepeth his
garments, lest he walk naked, and they see his shame.
see here that this comes unexpectedly. The garment spoken of here is the robe of
righteousness. We must not despair of His coming and fall away into sin. We
need to walk in righteousness after we receive our robe of righteousness, washed
in the blood of the Lamb.
Verse 15 is an exhortation to the surviving believers to be watchful and alert
(Matt 24:32-25:13), and to remain faithful and loyal to Christ during a time of
intense persecution. To have garments, rather than be naked, relates to
spiritual preparedness.
16:16 And he gathered them together into a place called in the Hebrew tongue
Armageddon is the
place where this great battle is to be fought is in Israel.
Armageddon The blood will run
to the horses bridle in this valley of Megiddo during this battle. This valley
is called by the name Jezreal, also. There have already been twenty battles
fought at this very spot, but never a battle of this magnitude. This battle will
be the twenty-first (3 x 7). Three means God. Seven means spiritually
complete. God Himself will settle the outcome of this once and for all. This
truly will be the war to end all wars. Shortly after this battle, Jesus will set
up His Kingdom. Kingdom
Verse 16 identifies the place of the final battle as Armageddon, from the Hebrew
Har Megiddon (the Hill of Megiddo). The hill country of Megiddo and the adjacent
valley of Esdraelon have been the site of many important battles (Judge 5:15; 2
Kings 9:27; 23:29).
16:17-19 "And the seventh angel poured out his vial into the air; and there came
a great voice out of the temple of heaven, from the throne, saying, It is done."
"And there were voices, and thunders, and lightnings; and there was a great
earthquake, such as was not since men were upon the earth, so mighty an
earthquake, [and] so great." "And the great city was divided into three parts,
and the cities of the nations fell: and great Babylon came in remembrance before
God, to give unto her the cup of the wine of the fierceness of his wrath."
This "great voice out of the temple" was probably God. In Genesis, when
God made the earth in six days, then He said "it is finished". When Jesus hung
on the cross six hours, He said "it is finished". I believe that is just what
this "It is done" means here. I believe this is at the close of the
six-1000 year days of work for the earth, just before the 1000 year Sabbath of
rest. God would be the one to decide, and I believe this is Him speaking here.
Seventh Bowl Judgment - The Wrath of God: - Then came flashes of lightning,
rumblings, peals of thunder and a severe earthquake. No earthquake like it has
ever occurred since man has been on earth, so tremendous was the quake. The
great city split into three parts, and the cities of the nations collapsed.
remembered Babylon the Great and gave her the cup filled with the wine of the
fury of his wrath. ( Babylon the Great ) Every island fled away and the mountains could not be found.
From the sky huge hailstones of about a hundred pounds each fell upon men. And
they cursed God on account of the plague of hail, because the plague was so
When the seventh angel pours out his bowl into the air a voice will be heard
from the Temple of God before the throne, conveying a most welcome message: "It
is done!" It is most welcome because it signifies the consummation of the
Tribulation, the conclusion of the day of God's wrath on the ungodly, the end of
the time of Jacob's trouble.
This final judgment of God will appear in the form of the world's greatest
earthquake, one that "has never occurred like it since man has been on earth."
As prophesied in Haggai chapter 2 verses 6-7 "For thus saith the Lord of hosts;
Yet once, it is a little while and I will shake the heavens, and the earth, and
the sea, and the dry land;" "And I will shake all nations and the desire of all
nations shall come: and I will fill this house with glory, saith the Lord of
In chapter 11 verse 8 we see where the witnesses were killed described as "the
great city". This is Jerusalem where it is spiritually called Sodom and Egypt,
where also our Lord was crucified.
The massive earth quake will split Jerusalem into 3 parts. When the Mount of
Olives splits in two, it will create a chasm into which the
believers can seek refuge until the awful carnage is completed. Its interesting
to note that there is a fault line that runs under the Mount of Olives that
moves in exactly the same direction that the Bible prophesies.
Zech. 14 verses 3 to 5 says:
"Then the Lord will go forth and fight against those nations, as when He fights
on a day of battle. And in that day His feet will stand on the Mount of Olives,
which is in front of Jerusalem on the east; and the Mount of Olives will be
split in its middle from east to west by a very large valley, so that half of
the mountain will move toward the north and the other half toward the south. And
you will flee by the valley of My mountains, for the valley of the mountains
will reach to Azel; yes, you will flee just as you fled before the earthquake in
the days of Uzziah king of Judah."
Jerusalem is being prepared for the central role it plays during the millennial
kingdom. This is where New Jerusalem will come down out of heaven and rest.
addition, "cities of the nations collapsed," meaning that all of the cities of
the world will be destroyed.
16:20 And every island fled away, and the mountains were not found.
addition, every island will vanish and the mountains will not be found. This
will indicate a complete renovation of the earth, which may be a fulfillment of
2 Peter 3 v.10, which predicts that the entire earth will be destroyed, and "the
elements will be destroyed by fire, and the earth and everything in it will be
laid bare." When it is done, the earth will basically flat with no seas, no
islands and no mountains, preparing it for restoration to something like its
pre-flood condition.
New Heaven and a New Earth
16:21 And there fell upon men a great hail out of heaven, [every stone] about
the weight of a talent: and men blasphemed God because of the plague of the
hail; for the plague thereof was exceeding great.
this were not enough catastrophes, great hailstones, weighing about 100 pounds
apiece will come down out of heaven. It is difficult for us to conceive of
hailstones that large or the devastating effect they will have on the people
they hit.
David L. Cooper draws attention to "what the Lord said in Job 38 v.22, 23. He
has filled His armory full of hail and snow "against the time of trouble,
against the day of battle and war."
Even now, these men do not repent. Instead of repenting and asking for God's
help, they curse Him. You see, in all of these plagues, God wants them to repent
and turn to Him.
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