Monday, December 22, 2014

Israeli scene in 2013

Israeli scene in 2013

First: the Palestinian-Israeli relations
The process of negotiations between Israelis and Palestinians since the Camp David negotiations have not experienced a rebound as witnessed during the year 2013; and is true to say that this year has seen the approaches rapidly and proposals of several made that waiting for a breakthrough in the deadlock between the two parties is possible, despite all the obstacles that await the achievement of such an agreement and reached.
The most significant breakthrough during the year 2013 in the success of the new US Secretary of State to bring the parties to the same table to negotiate about the two-state solution, before closing the window of opportunity for the last time in front of such a solution.
Israel to pre-empt the storm
Characterized by the Israeli government's strategy during the year 2013 a lot of talk about peace without progress one step forward.
The most prominent changes can be summed up by the Israeli government faced in the year 2013 by:
1. The start of the second term of US President Barack Obama, and his desire to push Israeli-Palestinian negotiations file forward.
2. led Netanyahu's frosty relationship with President Obama in the last two years of the mandate of the Alawlyfa ​​strained relationship between Israel and the United States.
3. Iranian file: Israeli desire to push forward this file to forward; so that the progress in the path of negotiation as a catalyst to push the idea of ​​an attack on Tehran.
4. tensions and unrest in the Middle East, which is now carrying surprises unpredictable.
5. Palestinian orientation of international organizations in order to gain membership in international institutions.
6. become European attitudes annoy Israel, especially with the insistence of the EU institutions to move forward not included in the settlements and the academic and industrial institutions in any of joint cooperation projects.
7. European modern backed by a lot of international forces on the need to impose a solution to the conflict on both sides.
There was an internal factor formula victory party "no future" for 19 seats in the recent parliamentary elections (January 2013 m) and the party "Movement" headed by Tzipi Livni, 6 seats and their participation in the coalition government under the slogan "return to negotiations," constitute a pressure factor internally on Netanyahu to accept a return to the path of negotiations, without the obligation to make progress where; in order to satisfy its partners in the government and the preservation of the coalition government.
Netanyahu's negotiating strategy:
This strategy is based on a range of positions, including:
1. the need not to appear Kmatl the peace process.
2. accelerator to impose facts on the ground strengthen Israel's negotiating positions without prejudice to a harsh process of negotiations.
3. hand give Lloyd take: Israel realized that engage in negotiations means that they offer something, and that initiatives "Alehiatih_almaicheh" no longer benefit (such as lifting barriers and enter the building materials or allow economic projects); but there is a need for initiatives of a political nature.
4. Turn the core Israeli demands to the controversial case of (normal demand) do not succeed replies global acute and Palestinian reaction, in parallel with the public stance seeking to gain domestic and international public opinion.
Kerry talks about the negotiations:
Obama said during his visit to the area of ​​its strategy to move the negotiation process, and announced the beginning of the rounds to his foreign minister to return to the negotiating; the student to leave the sides of some of the language that was a stumbling block to progress in the negotiations and to think of new ideas. Obama and avoid the exhibition speech for both Palestinians and Israelis drowning in a sea of ​​details; it merely that stressed eloquently unusual about the idea of ​​peace based on a two-state solution, particularly when he addressed the Palestinians words Trepett her ears, Obama said, "is not fair to not be able to Palestinian girl that thrive in their own country, and not just to live in the presence of a foreign army that controls the movements of her parents; and as Israelis have built a state in their homeland, the Palestinians have the right to be a free people in their land. "
Kerry's efforts were focused at the beginning of the shuttle tours on how to launch the negotiation process; which carry the stalled negotiations for nearly three years with a lot of positions and statements sclerosis and spasms that Kerry was to work on the dismantled.
Kerry believes that regional support for his efforts however, that peace can not be achieved only through negotiations between Palestinians and Israelis; but if there is a need to support the Arab negotiating positions in favor of the success of the negotiations.
One of the main benefits of Kerry's efforts in this context, the Qatari foreign minister to re-launch the Arab initiative revised edition refers to the principle of exchanging land for the initiative consistent with Kerry embryonic ideas that he was trying to push through which the resumption of negotiations.
Kerry led the separate talks between the two parties in order to reach the formulas allow the launch of the bilateral negotiation process, and focused separate talks to Kerry on issues such as the "two-state solution" on the basis of a Palestinian state on the 1967 borders, and the issue of settlements and the release of Palestinian prisoners before the Oslo agreement in 1994, and topical solution The final saw these talks a lot of ups and downs especially with Netanyahu's lack of commitment to any of the Palestinian demands and proposals Kerry moderation.
Back to the negotiating table:
Kerry managed to bridge the gaps in the conditions put forward by the parties to start negotiations by creating a delicate balance in the four areas of contention:
1. The issue of reference for negotiations: the 1967 lines with agreed land swaps - despite the disapproval of the Israeli side, the United States has pledged to the Palestinian side that they adopt this principle.
2. the issue of Palestinian recognition of Israel as a Jewish state: With the Palestinian side did not agree to the United States pledged to Israel that it adopt this principle and called for adopting the Palestinian side.
3. The issue of a settlement freeze: Israel did not agree to a settlement freeze; but Kerry will only allow construction in the settlement blocs.
4. The issue of freeing prisoners: the release of prisoners before the Oslo gradually during the negotiations.
According to Amos Yadlin, the one who did not want to lose in the blame game and upload responsibility not to return to the negotiations; therefore had to acceptance of Israel; so do not be put in the corner and look for broken process. Also, the regional situation in the troubled Middle East, Netanyahu does not help much; especially not clear Arab transitions landmarks; Therefore, Netanyahu awaits the passage of the storm.
There are also benefits Israel can derive from behind the resumption of negotiations, including:
1. confront European boycott effectively.
2. reduce the effectiveness delegitimize Israel claims; where are exploiting the deadlock in the negotiations that.
3. prevent the emergence of a binational state.
4. Even for those who do not want a two-state solution, negotiations mean freezing progress toward delaying perhaps
5. halt attempts to impose a Palestinian state unilaterally to bring Israel and the international support.
Select the file of negotiations, Saeb Erekat, an official nine reasons to accept the Palestinian leadership to resume negotiations:
1. Palestinians get a written reference says that the goal of the peace process is to achieve a two-state on the 1967 borders with agreed land swaps.
2. Common Agenda includes all final status issues without exception (Jerusalem, borders, settlements, refugees, water, security and prisoners.
3. rejection of the interim and transitional solutions.
4. Determine the duration of 6-9 months to the end of a higher ceiling negotiations.
5. release the veteran prisoners in four installments.
6. considered the US administration that the settlement is illegal and it will work to reduce it.
7. issuance of a new European positions on settlements.
8. Arab support for the resumption of negotiations.
9. Support Russia, China, Japan and the countries of the world and the United Nations for the negotiation process.
The release of prisoners:
Passed a resolution to vote on the release of prisoners quietly through the Israeli cabinet meeting, Netanyahu pledged to continue against the construction in the settlements. And talked about allowing the government to build 1,000 new housing units and allow the launch tenders for the construction of 3,500 to 4,500 additional housing units, and approved by the Israeli Cabinet on the release of prisoners a majority of 13 ministers against the seven ministers, while declined ministers from voting.
Some ideas have leaked from the Kerry plan the most important on the side of the contentious issues, including:
Border: The peace agreement based on the '67 borders, taking into account variables that have occurred on the ground since that date; and thus the main settlement blocs under full Israeli control.

Refugees: the right of refugees to return to the State of Palestine or stay in the countries where they live today, with the assurance that the number will be limited, according to humanitarian circumstances and with the approval of Israel without downloading Israel responsible for the displacement of Palestinians.

Definition of the state: in the peace agreement is the recognition of a Palestinian state as a homeland for the Palestinian people; as well as the recognition of Israel as a homeland for the Jewish people; and hence the adoption of the Palestinians demand that Israel recognize the Jewishness of the state.

Security: remains the right of Israel to defend itself.

Settlements will not be the evacuation of intensive settlers.

Jerusalem, the capital of the Palestinian state will be in Jerusalem; the sense that it may be in a suburb within the Jerusalem District such as Shuafat or Abu Dis.
Crossings: Israeli presence on the border crossings with Jordan continue.

Jordan Valley: Israeli army control over the Jordan River line; which determines the time period for the survival of the Israeli army is the last performance of the Palestinian security services.
Economic incentives
Kerry began his mission by talking about economic stimulus, stressing that economic prosperity and a catalyst for peace and a platform that the economic situation is stable and advanced encourages President Abu Mazen to take bold steps. Kerry has talked about the collection of four billion dollars to encourage investment in the West Bank. For the first time bring in the private sector as a partner in efforts to achieve peace, the development process. Kerry's economic plan includes:
1. The establishment of large projects and factories, the most important plant for potash in the Dead Sea area.
2. Create a large residential units, and the project on the Dead Sea, and securing a number of new jobs is enough to reduce the unemployment rate by two-thirds, dropping from 21% to 8% and higher average salaries by 40%.
It was the formulation of economic initiative in collaboration with the International Quartet envoy Tony Blair's office and focused on projects in eight sectors: construction, housing (including finance and mortgage Profile), agriculture, development of tourism, communications and information technology, energy, water, and light industries.
Kerry noted that his economic plan is not a substitute for peace, but a complement to him and encouraging him, and said: "Although I assure that (economic track) is not a substitute for peace also have the right of Palestinians to see their daily lives grow and enjoy the benefits of economic growth and development."

Border Security:

Launched a security committee Israeli American joint work in the month of May; to examine Israel's security needs in light of the forthcoming peace agreement with the Palestinians.
Kerry launched from the attempt to combine the Israeli presence in the Palestinian's eastern border and the need to reduce this presence; and it has merged his plan between the need to preserve the security of Israel on the one hand; the Palestinian political independence of the other; and, of course, was the result of a Palestinian state without sovereignty, Kerry has equated Israel's security demands and the Palestinian political rights.
Jordan Valley:
Kerry's proposals included the approval of the Israeli demands to retain the Jordan Valley, and not the Israeli army out of it.
According to the nominated leaks, the Kerry plan based on a military presence Israeli in the Jordan Valley area so that Israel maintain this presence through some of the military and intelligence points, and the technology is used in the promotion of this audience; and the talk is monitoring US drones to the Jordan Valley, and to develop mechanisms monitoring and follow-up cooperation with Israel; to ensure the security of the region from the perspective of an Israeli, and the presence of early warning stations on the hills of the West Bank, for example.
As pointed out some plan leaks about the existence of an Israeli patrol along the border for a period of time stretching for years.
Kerry's plan also refers to the absence of a Palestinian state from heavy weapons, but it can keep a strong security forces for internal security and counter-terrorism; they do not give Israel the freedom of movement within the Palestinian territory of the State for the purpose of prosecution or abort operations; as reported in other sources that step Kerry include the establishment of a wall along the border with Jordan resembles the apartheid wall so that the Palestinians will be trapped between two walls.
Worked ministerial and partisan legislative bodies to fortify the Israeli position on settlements through decisions, legislation and laws to prevent the evacuation of settlements, and the complexity of the process to approve the agreement provides for it; where the face of seventeen Knesset member from the ruling coalition parties message to Netanyahu, urging him not to hand over land to the Palestinian Authority through negotiations, and the list of signatories included: Chairman of the coalition, and the heads of committees, and six deputy ministers. The letter stressed that any interim agreement with the Palestinians should not make the mistake of Oslo agreement (to hand over land to them) Israel's Ministerial Committee for Legislative Affairs approved the draft law provides for the support of 80 deputies in the Knesset of the total 120 for any decision on the status of Jerusalem in the negotiations with the Palestinians.
The Israeli government also approved on July 28 a bill that provides for the organization of a referendum in the event of reaching a peace agreement with the Palestinians.
Israel positions of the proposals:
The Israeli government rejected the idea of ​​replacing the field presence electronic monitoring; however, the response fiercest came from the army; and specifically of the Secretary of Defense (Moshe Ya'alon), who described Kerry security plan as "do not provide no peace nor security, not worth the paper it's written on," said Ya'alon , much of irony: It is proposed to Kerry that his focus for peace in the other region of the world.
This position support a large number of researchers, writers and security research centers, he said Ephraim Inbar, for example: "The instability in the Middle East, and the unforeseen consequences of the Arab Spring makes it imperative for Israel to keep digging a; in order to stop any foreign missile threats."
Poses Giora Ayla end, the differences on the concept of security between Israel and America; and says: "Israel believes that the security risks inherent in the withdrawal from the West does not only come from the Palestinians; but from others assaulted the other hand. It is true that Israel can Aldvaaan the 1967 lines before any Palestinian threat; but not in front of all the threats; because the border with Palestine will be on the 16 km Mediterranean distance; while there east to a distance of five thousand enemies or enemies of potential "; and it is difficult for Israel to approve the full on land and air Palestinian sovereignty; Regarding control along the Jordan River on the one hand it is a vital need for Israel to a depth of 5 km by; they can complete their security duties in the east.
The overall US technological solutions that are trying to compensate for the Israeli presence in the Jordan Valley, they do not suffice; it is not something that can compensate for the presence of the army in the field, as the military presence in the narrow and discontinuous bar poses a threat to the safety of the soldiers; therefore there is a need for the presence of the army in reasonable and adequate area.
Netanyahu announced (probably to please his allies in the coalition) that will display any agreement with the Palestinians to a referendum.
Netanyahu faced stiff opposition to progress in the negotiations from within his own party; where militants occupied the advanced positions in the party's internal elections.
Palestinians understand in principle that the Israeli presence in the Jordan Valley area means a readjustment of the occupation in the context of a peace agreement.
Kerry has adopted the Israeli point of view; where Pat sees no conflict unless the security of the safe angle and obsession, and the need for security arrangements to protect Israel; The United States adopted the Israeli position on the importance of security arrangements as a condition for progress in the negotiations.
Positions of the parties and government leaders:
Netanyahu continued in contrast to question the Palestinian intentions; in order to undermine any pressure on him to respond with proposals for peace; it has told the United Nations General Assembly, saying: "We want peace based on security, mutual recognition under which a demilitarized Palestinian state that recognizes the Jewish Israel ".
Indeed, Netanyahu, in a speech Bar Ilan in 2013 seemed more extreme than ever before; he said: "The occupation and the settlements are not the source of the conflict, the real struggle began in 1921 when the Palestinians Jewish immigrants attacked in Jaffa; this assault was not not on areas not on settlements, but was against the immigration of Jews to the Land of Israel. "
As Lapid expressed his support for the negotiating process and the need to return to negotiations on the campaign trail, but that, after the entry of his party's coalition government, was not required to return to the negotiations as an item of the terms of the agreement, and after entering the government did not threaten to withdraw if the negotiating process did not move; he Lapid return, in alliance with the President Jewish Home and Minister of Industry, Trade and Labor (Naftali Bennett); the increased uncertainty about the fact that his political positions fired.
The Naftali Bennett does not believe originally dissolve the Palestinian state as stated in the June 2013 Mann idea of ​​a Palestinian state has ended and reached a dead end, and that the idea of ​​two states is dead according to Bennett plan "pacification program" and on Israel to provide alternative two-state solution and of the annexation of areas classified (c) as soon as possible, and the launch of an initiative to improve the economic conditions of the population in those areas, (c), which constitute 60% of the West Bank.
Agrees Lieberman also Spirituality and the conflict with the Palestinians, "unsolvable" and reach a "long-term interim agreement" is the best we can to the parties that Aomla him; and that he and his party would not agree to any agreement that does not include the exchange of lands and exchange of population, a proposal to swap settlement blocs zones Valley Ara and the Triangle.
The positions of the Israeli Minister of Security does not differ from Bennett and Netanyahu and Lieberman (which most ministers Netanyahu criticized Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas) has stated that there is no partner on the other side of the agreement the two-state solution; and rejected what he called the international blackmail Israel, preferring the European boycott on the "Palestinian rockets." Ya'alon criticized US Secretary of State (Kerry) and his efforts, saying that: "acting out of Mania incomprehensible and missionary zeal, let him take the Nobel and going out."
Take Livni contrast the positions of the more pragmatic negotiations; Recognizing that Israel will face great difficulties in the event of the efforts to disrupt Kerry; they warned that Israel may face European economic boycott; as there is a correlation between economic issues and political issue.
Israel's settlement policies: the cart before the horse
Continued Israeli settlement policy obsessed with the negotiating process; where he is now certain that the facts that are placed on the ground that will enhance the negotiating site is not hindered.
Statistical sources pointed to the high number of residents of the Israeli settlements in the West Bank by more than 2% in the first half of 2013, the Israeli government has allocated in May of 22 million shekels to promote settlement in Jerusalem next to another set of privileges through what is known as Jerusalem Day in Israel; also revealed The secret document published by the Israeli Channel Ten that Israeli settlements budget jumped during the year 2013 in an unprecedented way; where the budget of 58 million shekels doubled in August to 614 million during the month of September.
The Israeli Ministerial Committee for Legislative Affairs approved on 29 December on a proposed law to include Israeli settlements in the Jordan Valley to Israel and submitted by MK "Miri Regev," the Likud party.
Can be summed up most prominent settlement activities during the year 2013 in the holy city thus:
• announced in May for a new settlement plan on Mount Scopus in Jerusalem, known as the "Golden Helmet", a building shaped like a dome consists of 10 floors at a height of 30 meters can be seen from the city of Ramallah, north of Jerusalem and the Jordan Valley and elsewhere, and the Jewish Agency, with the support of the building and funding.
• Three days before the start of negotiations with the Palestinians by the Israeli Housing Ministry announced it will launch tenders for the construction of more than a thousand new settlement housing units in Jerusalem.
• put the finishing touches on a plan to build 890 new housing units in the settlement of "Jello" west of the city of Jerusalem, after the Israeli government approval to build 1200 new housing units.
• Israel announced its intention to establish neighborhood new Jewish near Mount Scopus in East Jerusalem, comprising 63 residential units in the area that connects Mount Scopus neighborhood of Armon Hanatsep south of Jerusalem; and the Housing Minister Uri Ariel and the mayor of Jerusalem Nir Barkat, laid the foundation stone of the neighborhood.
• Jerusalem municipality approved a plan to build 1,500 housing units in "Ramat Shlomo".
• announced in October for the settlement plan for a new expansion of the outpost "Beit Orot" to 32 housing units; where advanced settlement school "house Orot "scheme structural building four buildings include 32 housing units in the area west of Augusta Victoria Hospital" Augusta Victoria ".
• As of building approximately 62% of the wall which was approved and 10% of the track currently under construction path, was completed in the year 2013 as well as the proportion of 28% of it plans to build, and did not begin to work with yet.
Second, the political scene - the internal party
Coincide writing this chapter with the first year of the formation of the Israeli 33 government passed a third government headed by the leader of the right-wing Likud party (Benjamin Netanyahu), which is expected, according to the outline of the policy as agreements coalition signed between the various parties, to focus on domestic issues, particularly Economic - Alajtmaihfa Israeli government's performance after the first year after its formation; and analyze the results of the election and carries connotations and transmit the repercussions.
In the third Netanyahu government
Before 18 March 2014 the first year of the formation of the new Israeli government (33) is the third government headed by Benjamin Netanyahu, and whose mandate began on March 18, 2013, and was based for the first time, long ago, a coalition without partisan Haredim (ultra-Orthodox Jews religiously) , includes 68 Knesset members from the following parties blocks: "Likud - Beiteinu" (alliance Likud and Yisrael Beiteinu), and "Yesh eated" (no future), headed by Yair Lapid, and "Jewish Home" led by Naftali Bennett, and "Htnoaa" ( Movement), headed by Tzipi Livni.
Netanyahu has anyone these threats are as follows:
• First, Iran said that it continues in the race toward nuclear arms by continuing to enrich uranium to produce an atomic bomb.
• Second Syria, "the widening of disintegration, which began graduated cutting weapons of the deadliest in the world; where denounce terrorist organizations such weapons as predators pounce on carrion" (according to Netanyahu expressions), who stressed that Israel will take all necessary action to prevent the fall these weapons in the hands of "terrorist organizations".
Netanyahu stressed in contrast to the new government, and in addition to dealing with the emitted risks from Iran and Syria, Hezbollah and Hamas, will work to advance peace and stability in the region, and will remain committed to the Conventions peace dating from with Egypt and Jordan, which form opinionated anchor of stability in the Middle East, and must be preserved in any price; they (the new government) is reaching out to neighbors, peace with the Palestinians after Israel proved again and again that it is willing to make concessions for peace.
Equality in bearing the burdens of state service
This issue occupied a central place in the coalition agreement between the "Likud - our home" and "no future"; the aim of recruiting young Haredi military or civil service, according to a timetable and clear.

It states that the duty of any citizen who has attained 18 years of age to perform military or civil service, and to increase the number of young Haredim who perform this service among students Alyishyvot (Jewish religious seminaries), starting from 2017 and to impose fines on evaders starting of 2018; in addition to reducing the duration of military service for all regular soldiers to two years, and to increase the number of Arabs involved in the civil service.
Basic Law: Israel - the nation-state of the Jewish people:
Netanyahu promised in the coalition agreement with the "Jewish Home" that the government is working to enact a law stipulates that Israel is "the nation-state of the Jewish people." The matter still under preparation and controversy.
This fact is reflected on the internal Israeli political scene by pushing forward more bills and initiatives to achieve the very consolidation of Zionism in Israel and abroad, as indicated Speaker of the Knesset, and according to what the prime minister repeats.
He pointed a professors of political science at Israel that as a result of draft laws and initiatives by the extreme right to pay them forward in order to reach this goal, "turning to evil in the law in Israel."
Israel is experiencing lately increasing attempts by the Israeli Ministry of Culture to promote the "Zionist artistic production" through the provision of multiple awards such as the "best artistic creation Zionist" or "Zionist best film."
In the opinion of one Israeli researchers There are two explanations can think of two here:
The first is the fact that this award is further evidence of the growing extremism within the Israeli government and Israeli society.
The second interpretation: it is to look at these awards being the result of fear and the Israeli Ministry of Culture of the increase in writing and artistic production in the Israeli civil society on topics dealing with the Palestinian Nakba and deportations and prevent the return of Refugees continued military occupation since 1967.
Third: The scene of Israeli Foreign Relations
Between mounting international boycott and foggy regional landscape
There has been a radical change to the list of issues of concern to the Israeli foreign policy several years ago; the Iranian file and political upheavals taking place in states surrounding Israel at the forefront of the Israeli diplomatic concerns in 2013 remained.
This year marked the relationship of tension and discord, veggies all shared files Tgariba.ually between the two countries despite the fact that both parties emphasize the depth of their relationship, but how Israeli statements critical of America were high this year.
While Netanyahu gave the first of October speech at the Public Authority United Nations, a day after meeting with Obama, focused on the Iranian issue .vkan Obama responded that he would not allow Iran to have a nuclear weapon, and that the US-Iranian or talks proposed by the spiritual resolve the issue that convergence does not mean for America Cancel the military option.
exacerbated tensions between Israel and America in the Palestinian issue, prompting John Kerr to warn Israel indirectly from the risks of failure to reach a settlement with the Palestinians.
Or on the economic level, the year 2013 recorded a decline in Israeli exports to the United States, the US rate of 4% compared with the year 2012.
Table (shows the economic relations ROI ((Israeli exports)) By region billions of dollars)
Other European countries
Latin america
The rest of the world
Relationship with China
Promote economic cooperation
Israel continues to strengthen its ties with China at the levels: economic, and technological, and academic, while aware of the Chinese and international and regional support policy for stability in the Middle East philosophy; which explains the Chinese position of the Libyan revolution, and the current events in Syria, and Iran's nuclear program; But Israel does not build its relationship with China based on Chinese attitudes of these regional issues, does not preclude China, which has opposed positions, especially in the Iranian and Palestinian files of strengthening the relationship with them at all levels and positions.
Netanyahu has in the May 2013 visit to China, was in the wake of Zayarhcecchel A ministerial committee is working on the development of economic relations with China. Netanyahu personally attended the committee meeting; importance; which said that economic relations with China is the central horizon for the growth of the Israeli economy.
Fourth, the security landscape - military
Israel in the face of the future of the regional Ga
Intelligence assessments and security analysis Israeli published gathered that the Israeli strategic situation in 2013 is the best; and because of the deterioration of the internal situation of the enemies of the actual and potential for Israel and dropped their strengths accordingly.
continuous tremors in the Arab world, especially the ring states and the Geneva Convention between Iran and the six countries (5+ 1).
Regional context: the events of Arab uprisings

There is near unanimity that the fall of Bashar al-Assad's regime has negative aspects Aijaahoakhry; includes positive weaken the radical axis led by Iran aspects; The negative are creating new challenges for Israel; what makes it imperative for decision-making to take further action to prevent the diversion of weapons strategic and chemical weapons to destinations "extremist."

Israeli-based interest since September 2013 on the achievement of strategic interest directly in the Syrian regime of chemical stripping capacity; Since the agreement on the demilitarization of Syria chemical weapons Israel is carefully monitoring how would apply the Convention, and will judge them according to their results; not in accordance with them. Perhaps the clearest position of Israel in the Syrian crisis is designed not to allow the Syrian regime to transfer advanced weapons to Hezbollah, and not to allow the transfer of chemical weapons to others, and not to agree to a violation of its sovereignty in the Golan Heights.

Fifth: the economic landscape

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