The Army’s Plan for Martial Law Carried Out Under UN Authority
This article examines the “perfect storm” that is presently occurring which is witnessing the manifestation of Agenda 21 living conditions in America and a vicious martial law occupation force which will be presiding over these megacities.
No speculation is required; the government admits complicity in this plot by their own actions and in their own documents. The title page of this PDF is displayed below.
The smoking gun document that virtually guarantees an Army enforced martial law way of life, within an Agenda 21 megacities framework:
June 2014
Chief of Staff of the Army, Strategic Studies Group
Megacities Concept Team:
Colonel Marc Harris, Lieutenant Colonel Robert Dixon, Major Nicholas Melin, Command Sergeant Major Daniel Hendrex, Sergeant Major Richard Russo
and Mr. Michael Bailey
An Army report boldly proclaims that American troops need to be ready and willing to enter New York City and other global “megacities” in the “near future”. The purpose of this instruction by the Army in the nation’s domestic affairs, in violation of Posse Comitatus would be to prevent civil unrest (i.e. “precrime”),
political uprisings and protect key infrastructure and natural
resources in the national interest. In other words, the American Army
will be deployed because what the American people “MIGHT DO”. The
official Army report is entitled “Megacities and the United States Army” (PDF), and it was released by the Chief of Staff of the Army, Strategic Studies Group.
The report disturbingly states that, “It is inevitable that at some point the United States Army will be asked to operate in a megacity and currently the Army is ill-prepared to do so.”
Megacities and the U.S. Army
Previously, on August 27, 2014, I reported on the rapid progress of the “megacities” concept. It is an United Nations created Agenda 21 plan initiated by the global elite to establish 11 megacity regions, each containing approximately six million people. Please note that somebody apparently forgot to tell the United Nations that the United States has 310 million people, not 66 million
as their future plans call for housing. Nobody, in an official
capacity, dealt with the numerical discrepancy between the present
population of the United States and the planned population of the United
States. And now, and very disturbingly, the Army has announced that it
is inserting itself into this process. Before proceeding, you may wish
to read “The Psychological Reasons Why American Soldiers Would Fire On American Citizens“, as it details the well-researched psychological reasons that the U.S. military would fire upon American citizens if ordered to do so. I would also recommend that you read my previous report “The Nightmarish Megacities of the Near Future“.
These two reports will psychologically prepare the reader to fully
understand the clear intentions of the Army as detailed in the following
The Army and Their Planned Megacity Intervention
The aforementioned Army report details the reasons given for why the U.S. Army would insert itself into major cities to deal with “civil unrest”. With regard to the power of the people vs. the power of the state, this Army document leaves no doubt as to which group is the sovereign and the Constitutional principle of the sovereign people controlling its government is officially dead and buried.
Some of the other reasons that the Army will “occupy”
the megacities will include “income disparity,” “natural disasters,” and
“illicit networks” that would dare to challenge the “authority of state
power”. The document goes on to state that the military will be training its forces to oppose those who could engage in the “precrime”
activity of influencing the lives of the American population while
undermining the authority of the state. You must feel like you have
stumbled upon Part Two of Orwell’s classic book, 1984.
At this point, a summary statement needs to be made. The Agenda 21 megacities plan, often referred to America 2050, will be enforced under the dictates of martial law in which absolutely no political dissent will be allowed.
U.S. Army Techniques Publication 3-39.33: Civil Disturbances
I have also previously reported on the Army’s, August 15, 2014, plan to deal with dissidents and protesters. The new Army manual, known as ATP 3-39.33,
provides discussion and techniques about civil disturbances and crowd
control operations that occur in the continental United States (CONUS)
and outside the continental United States (OCONUS).
The following are diagrams lifted from ATP 3-39.33 which instructs soldiers how to kill and disable American citizens.
ATP 3-39.33 speaks to the Army strategy of deploying snipers at public events and protests and “eliminating” the leadership of any such activity. This document not only marks the death of the leaders of any civil disobedience, but it marks the death of the First Amendment to the Constitution as it eliminate any right of the people to “peaceably assemble” and to allow the people the full expression of the right “to express grievances” against the government.
On February 22, 2014, I revealed the existence of a classified Army document which has been leaked online, is entitled FM 3-39.40 Internment and Resettlement Operations (PDF). The document was originally to be kept secret, but everyone in the military command structure, as we know, is not on board with the encroaching tyranny sweeping across this country.
The Army Did Not Wait To Begin Training for the Martial Law Takeover
The Army has been diligently training to lock the country down in an Agenda 21 megacites imposed martial law. They did not wait for the release of the aforementioned martial law documents. Specifically, I am referring to the Army’s building of a ‘fake” $96 million dollar Northern Virginia town which is being used to train the military to enforce martial Law. Of course, the government says that this is a foreign town being used to train our troops to occupy. If this is true, then someone needs to explain why the town has a Christian church, handicap parking spots, Washington DC subway logos, loading zone signs and road signs in English. A picture is worth a thousand words as you will see in the following video.No Martial Law Takeover Would Be Complete Without Detention Camps
Since the Army documents make it clear that no public dissent against the policies of the prevailing state authority will be permitted, the Army would be compelled to establish detention centers to house “dissidents”. As an aside, please note that the Army does NOT refer to the prevailing civil authority as “duly elected officials”, or, “Constitutionally mandated authority”. Further, there is strong evidence, based upon more government documents that the coming and planned detention camps will be manned by foreign troops.
In the Words of the Army
Straight from the Internment/Resettlement article (12 February 2010 FM 3-39.40 1-5) it states the following:“…I/R operations may place Soldiers in continuous contact with or near insurgents, terrorists, or criminals who will exploit every opportunity to escape and kill or injure U.S. personnel or multinational partners“.Please allow me to remind the reader that back in late may and early June, that The Common Sense Show devoted a lot of attention to the sightings of UN vehicles on American soil, particularly in and around the southern border area of the United States.
Whether you believe there are Russian troops training on our soil, along with other UN “Peacekeeping” troops is an irrelevant argument at this point. The above excerpt and the following paragraphs will make it clear regarding the INTENT to use “multinational partners” to round up and detain American citizens.
The following is a list of agencies involved in the soon-to-be roundups of American citizens who are not drinking from globalist Kool-Aid.
AGENCIES CONCERNED WITH INTERNMENT AND RESETTLEMENTThere can be no doubt as to the meaning of the above quote from the manual. This government plans to enlist the aid of foreign troops in conjunction with the UN, DHS and FEMA for the purpose of rounding up and detaining American civilians.
The following are excerpts from this martial law doctrine which reveals the true intent as to what is happening behind the scenes in America.
1-40. External involvement in I/R missions is a fact of life for military police organizations. Some government and government-sponsored entities that may be involved in I/R missions include—
International agencies.
The UN
International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC).
International Organization of Migration.
U.S. agencies.
Local U.S. embassy.
Department of Homeland Security.
U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE).
Federal Emergency Management Agency.
Segregation of Civilian Detainees
I have previously been told my military sources that when families are transported to the I/R camps, husbands will be segregated from wives and children from parents. Some scoffed at the details of the report. To those people, I would suggest reading from the I/R Resettlement documents:“Detainees may also be segregated by ethnic and family groups and further segregated to protect vulnerable individuals. Additionally, detainees may be categorized by behavior (cooperative, neutral, or combative) to accurately resource guards and facilities”. Juveniles within the I/R population are typically segregated from the general population. (See DODD 3115.09.)
You Are An Enemy Combatant
Most of us who are detained in these I/R camps will be classified as enemy combatants. The following reads like the MIAC Report on steroids.The last sentence is frightening. It says that anyone who supports acts against the United States or its foreign mercenaries, is not entitled to humane treatment under the Geneva Convention. An offense against the US government could include the failure to turn in your gun or to not pay your taxes. This also opens the door to torture and summary extermination as you will not likely have any rights. For those who think this is an exaggeration, ask yourself what does “do not meet the criteria defined within the Geneva Convention relative to the treatment of prisoners of war”, actually mean?“Enemy Combatants1-15. An enemy combatant is, in general, a person engaged in hostilities against the United States or its coalition partners during an armed conflict. (JP 3-63) Enemy combatant includes EPWs and members of armed groups.1-16. Enemy combatants are divided as follows:An enemy prisoner of war is a detained person who, while engaged in combat under orders of his or her government, was captured by the armed forces of the enemy.Member of an armed group is a person who engages in or supports acts against the United States or its multinational partners in violation of the laws and customs of war during a named conflict that do not meet the criteria of a prisoner of war as defined within the Geneva Convention Relative to the Treatment of Prisoners of War”
We already know that the present administration holds the US Constitution in complete disdain and utter contempt. Do you remember the domestic terrorist designations which are contained in the MIAC Report? An authority not recognized by this criminal government would include Libertarians, Constitutionalists, a former Ron Paul supporter, a Bible believing Christian, a Second Amendment supporter and a veteran. If you belong to any of these groups, you are a domestic terrorist, an enemy combatant, a sovereign citizen and a stateless person.
The Legal Justification to Snatch You From Your Home
The following definition of an “evacuee” should concern all Americans. The definition of the term indicates the right of the military to remove a citizen from their home.“Evacuee. An evacuee is a civilian removed from a place of residence by military direction for reasons of personal security or the requirements of the military situation.” (JP 3-57)Do you remember when the globalists began to use the term “sovereign citizen”? This term was applied by DHS to Americans who claimed that they followed the Constitution, but not the “legitimate” governmental authority. The first time that I saw the term utilized by the government was in the Stacy Lynne case in which this anti-Agenda 21 activist had her son stolen by a NWO Judge, Julie Kunce Field, without so much as an allegation of parental wrong doing. This former World Bank and IMF consultant, turned judge, referred to Stacy as a “sovereign citizen”. As a result, Stacy was not allowed to call witnesses or object to the illegal practices she was subjected to while in Fields’ courtroom on the basis of any of the “constitutional violations” of law. This designation by this globalist judge was used as the impetus to steal Stacy’s son from her custody for her part in anti-Agenda 21 political activities. Fields was signaling what was coming for all of us by her application of the law in the Lynne case. The following defines a sovereign citizen as a stateless person.
If one is a stateless person, they are, by default, an enemy combatant. I have been assisting the Larimer County resident, Stacy Lynne, for 26 months. Stacy has not been able to see her son in almost a year and a half. I always wondered what kind of chicken outfit could steal someone’s child without cause. When I read this I/R manual, my eyes were opened and chills went up and down my spine. What was done to Stacy was accomplished because she was an anti-Agenda 21 advocate. And through the complicity of this globalist judge, Stacy was declared to not be a citizen and, as such, was not entitled to any Constitutional protections because a “sovereign citizen” is in effect a stateless person. Go back to the original document in this article in which the Army declares that it will impose martial law in the megacities.Stateless Person. A stateless person is a civilian who has been denationalized or whose country of origin cannot be determined or who cannot establish a right to the nationality claimed.
When martial law comes to our land, we will be snatched from our homes because of our collective verbal and behavioral resistance to the tyranny that is sweeping our land. We will be met by the likes of the self-appointed authority that globalist judges like Julie Kunce Field represent. These despots will use their unconstitutional powers to declare a wide swath of Americans to be stateless, or sovereign citizens. This will be the excuse designed to steal our children from us and to imprison us in the new I/R Resettlment camps.
This mentality already exists in places like Ft. Collins, CO., and in Austin, TX. Soon, the entire nation will be declaring any perceived dissident to be a sovereign citizen.
Do I have to spell it out for you? All of us are Stacy Lynne. The NDAA is for you and for me. Sixty six million of us will be “stacked and packed” into an Agenda 21 nightmarish existence enforced by the U.S. Army.By virtue of the fact that you have visited this website, or a website that linked into this website, your every keystroke has been cataloged by the NSA and you and your family have been declared to be non-citizens and are targeted for forced Internment/Resettlement at some future date. This will most likely occur following a false flag event.
In the eyes of this criminal administration, we are all enemy combatants. We are all “sovereign citizens”. We are all stateless people not protected by either the Constitution, in the pre-arrest period, or, by the Geneva Convention, in the post-arrest period. In the next part of this series, I will spell out what losing your Geneva Convention rights will mean to you and your family.
You will never stand before a judge and jury and will have your freedom stripped from you. You will likely be taken from your home at 3AM, loaded into a transport vehicle with other designated sovereign citizens with only the clothes on your back, and shipped to your final designated I/R camp.
Also in the next part of this series, I will expose more details on the upcoming mass incarcerations and what the dead banksters and fired generals have to do with all of this.
Dave Hodges is the Editor and Host of The Common Sense Show.
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