Sunday, January 11, 2015

Malik Zulu Shabazz appointed French Black leader Stellio Capo Chichi as the representative of the movement in FranceEric Holder Asked Twice if the U.S. Is at War With Radical Islam. Just Guess How He Responds.

Eric Holder Asked Twice if the U.S. Is at War With Radical Islam. Just Guess How He Responds.

 In April 2010, Malik Zulu Shabazz appointed French Black leader Stellio Capo Chichi as the representative of the movement in France.[3] Capo Chichi has been holding the position of head of the francophone branch of NBPP.[4]


The New Black Panther Party for Self-Defense (NBPP) is a U.S.-based black political organization founded in Dallas, Texas, in 1989. Despite its name, NBPP is not an official successor of the Black Panther Party.[2] Members of the original Black Panther Party have insisted that the newer party is illegitimate and have firmly declared, "There is no new Black Panther Party".[2]
The New Black Panther Party is currently led by Hashim Nzinga.[1] Malik Zulu Shabazz announced on an October 14, 2013 online radio broadcast that he was stepping down and that Nzinga, then national chief of staff, would replace him.[1] Chawn Kweli, who, initially, served as NBPP national spokesman replaced Nzinga as national chief of staff. Still, the NBPP upholds Khalid Abdul Muhammad as the de facto father of the movement. When former Nation of Islam (NOI) minister Khalid Abdul Muhammad became the national chairman of the NBPP from the late 1990s until his death in 2001, He, Shabazz, and many other, breakaway members of the NOI followed minister Muhammad to the NBPP during this period. Nzinga served as personal assistant to minister Muhammad.
In April 2010, Malik Zulu Shabazz appointed French Black leader Stellio Capo Chichi as the representative of the movement in France.[3] Capo Chichi has been holding the position of head of the francophone branch of NBPP.[4]
Given that France’s prime minister declared that his nation is “at war…against terrorism and radical Islam,” two Sunday news show hosts asked U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder if America is engaged in the same battle.
First up, Chuck Todd of “Meet the Press”:
Todd: The French Prime Minister this morning declared that France is at war with radical Islam. Would you say the United States is at war with radical Islam?
Holder: Well, I would say we are at war with terrorists who commit these heinous acts and who…use Islam. They use a corrupted version of Islam to justify their actions. We are bound and determined to hold them accountable, to find them wherever they are. And then to try to…come up with ways in which we prevent young people who become attracted to this radical ideology, becoming members of these groups and perpetrating these heinous acts.
Next up, George Stephanopoulos on “This Week”:
Stephanopoulos: …France is at war with radical Islam. Is the U.S. at war with radical Islam?
Eric Holder: Well, I certainly think that we are at war with those who would commit terrorist attacks and who would corrupt the Islamic faith in the way that they do, to try to justify their terrorist actions. So that’s who we are at war with. And we are determined to take the fight to them to prevent them from engaging these kinds of activities…

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