Moms Across America's New Glyphosate Test Reveals World's Number 1 Herbicide Found in Feeding Tube Liquid, Given to Babies & Children With Complex Medical Diagnoses
Some scientists believe that this case of detecting high levels of glyphosate residue in feeding tube liquid is appalling and with the evidence of bio-accumulation in human tissues (10) there is a dire need for long-term independent scientific testing and an official moratorium on glyphosate usage.
Mission Viejo, CA (PRWEB) January 07, 2015
In the first ever testing of glyphosate herbicides in feeding tube
liquid, Moms Across America has detected high levels in 30% of Pediasure
Enteral Nutritional Drink samples tested. The shocking results included
samples from the same batch which tested positive at levels above 75
ppb, which is 800 to 1110 times higher than has been shown to destroy
gut bacteria in chickens.(1) An amount of only 50 ppt was shown to cause
kidney, liver, and sex hormone changes in rats.(2)Reading the ingredients for a leading enteral nutritional drink, like the tested Pediasure Enteral Nutrition Drink, reveals that many feeding tube liquids are filled with genetically-engineered corn syrup, soy, and sugar. All of which are routinely sprayed with high levels of glyphosate throughout the growing season and just before harvest as a drying agent.
Glyphosate has been scientifically proven to function as a chelator(3) and a patented antibiotic(4) that harms nutritional absorption and gut balance where the majority of immune system health resides.(5) Exposure to glyphosate may result in impeding the human body's ability to produce Tryptophan, Seratonin, & Melatonin, critical amino acids, neurotransmitters, & hormones that regulate insulin and protect mental well-being. Furthermore, glyphosate is a recognized endocrine disruptor(6) that may impact, deform, or halt fetal development.(7) Recent peer-reviewed studies find that this chemical also feeds antibiotic resistant bacteria(8) and functions as a cell disintegrator(3) capable of breaking down the blood brain barrier and allowing increased toxins to enter the brain correlating with the sharp rise of autism and increased use of glyphosate(9) throughout the modern agricultural industry.
Monsanto and worldwide regulatory bodies have based their regulations upon the assumption that glyphosate is not bio-accumulative. However, this belief was strongly disproven with the April 2014 release of Moms Across America and Sustainable Pulse's Glyphosate Testing Full Report: Findings in American Mothers' Breast Milk, Urine and Water.(10) MIT PhD. scientist and co-author of the Glyphosate Papers, Stephanie Seneff, shares important insights from her scientific study of glyphosate, "I find it astonishing that babies and children with cancer are being provided with nutrients through a feeding tube that are contaminated with glyphosate. It ought to be obvious to medical professionals that it is essential to assure that as few toxic chemicals as possible are present in enteral nutrition provided to seriously ill children. This is a direct delivery system for glyphosate to the blood and to the tissues. It should be undeniable that certified organic sources are the only viable option in such a situation."
The glyphosate testing commissioned by Moms Across America showed 6 out of 20 positive IDs for glyphosate residue in the product. This represents 30% of the samples, which tested positive. The highest concentration found contained 111 ppb (part per billion). The lowest detectable reading with this method of analysis was 76 ppb and the lowest amount positively detected in the lab report was found to contain 80 ppb.
The initial testing that has been completed at Microbe Inotech Labs, St. Louis, Missouri, is not meant to be a full scientific study. Rather, it is intended to inspire and initiate increased peer-reviewed scientific studies on glyphosate, by regulatory bodies and independent scientists worldwide. This testing was done using ELISA tests and had another method been chosen, such as HPLC-MS with a lower detection limit, possibly more samples would have shown glyphosate residue contamination.
This case of finding high levels of glyphosate in feeding tube liquids as well as the established evidence that this chemical does, in fact, bio-accumulate in human tissues should provide strong proof that the EPA and USDA should no longer rely on short-term industry sponsored safety studies on glyphosate and all other pesticides. Regulators must support long-term independent science to determine exactly how damaging these chemicals are for this and future generations. Moms Across America believes that while these studies are being completed, all glyphosate-based herbicides should be removed from commerce. Zen Honeycutt shares that they are also in the process of testing liquid infant baby formula for glyphosate residue. Findings will be shared publicly when final results are available on the Moms Across America website.
Read the full report on the recent feeding tube liquid glyphosate detection study with quotes from global scientists and mothers on the Moms Across America website. Moms Across America is presented by the nonprofit CA State Grange and is a national coalition of unstoppable Moms. "Empowered Moms, Healthy Kids."
1 Curr Microbiol, August 2012, Shehata A., Schrödl W., Aldin A., Hafez H., Krüger, M., The Effect of Glyphosate on Potential Pathogens and Beneficial Members of Poultry Microbiota In Vitro,
2 Environmental Sciences Europe, 2014, Séralini, G-E., Clair, E., Mesnage, R., Gress, S., Defarge, N., Malatesta, M., Hennequin, D. & de Vendômois, J.S. (2012). Republished study: Long term toxicity of a roundup herbicide and a roundup-tolerant genetically modified maize.,
3 Entropy, April 2013, Samsel A, Seneff S, Glyphosate's suppression of cytochrome P450 enzymes and amino acid biosynthesis by the gut microbiome: Pathways to modern diseases,
4 Curr Microbiol, January 2012, Clair E., Linn L., Travert C., Amiel C., Séralini, G-E., Panoff, J., Effects of Roundup and Glyphosate on Three Food Microorganisms: Geotrichum candidum, Lactococcus lactis subsp. cremoris and Lactobacillus delbrueckii subsp. bulgaricus,
5 Oregon State University. (2013, September 16). Gut microbes closely linked to proper immune function, other health issues. ScienceDaily. Retrieved January 4, 2015 from
6 Chemical Research in Toxicology, May 2010, Paganelli, A., Gnazzo, V., Acosta, H., Lopez, S., and Carrasco, A., Glyphosate-Based Herbicides Produce Teratogenic Effects on Vertebrates by Impairing Retinoic Acid Signaling
7 Archives of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology, July 2007, Benachour, N., Sipahutar, H., Moslemi, S., Gasnier, C., Travert, C., Séralini, G-E., Time- and Dose-Dependent Effects of Roundup on Human Embryonic and Placental Cells,
8 Brazilian Journal of Microbiology, October 2014, Lima, I., Baumeier, N., Rosa, R., Campelo, P., & Rosa, E. Influence of Glyphosate in Planktonic and Biofilm Growth of Pseudomonas aeruginosa.,
9 Environmental Sciences Europe, September 2012, Benbrook, C., Impacts of genetically engineered crops on pesticide use in the U.S. - the first sixteen years
10 Moms Across America and Sustainable Pulse, April 2014, Glyphosate Testing Full Report: Findings in American Mothers' Breast Milk, Urine, and Water.
Glyphosate Found in Feeding Tube Liquid Given to Sick Children in Hospitals
by Zen Honeycutt
Moms Across America
Thanks to Moms Across America supporters; our sponsors and private citizens donating thousands of dollars in three days to pay for testing, glyphosate has been found in feeding tube liquid which is given to babies and children with cancer in hospitals, in the first ever testing of glyphosate herbicides in feeding tube liquid.
Microbe Inotech lab detected 6 out of 20 (30%) of Pediasure samples from the same batch tested postive at levels above 75ppb at 800-1110 X higher than has been shown to destroy gut bacteria in chickens (.1ppb). Only 50ppT ( trillion) was shown to cause liver, kidney and sex hormone changes in rats. These samples were sent by a Moms Across America supporter. This is the exact brand used in the pediatric rehabilitation hospital where she worked and was fed patients needing tube feeding in critical care.
Moms Across America finds it appalling that our health care providers have been led to believe this feeding tube liquid is safe. Our children and loved ones who are depending on our health institutions to support their immune system and recovery. Instead they are being fed a liquid which scientists and knowledgeable care givers now believe is doing the exact opposite.
The Pediasure Enteral Nutritional Drink tested is loaded with GM corn syrup, soy, and sugar, which have been shown to cause inflammation, and are sprayed with gyphosate during the growing season and at harvest as a drying agent. See EPA allowable levels glyphosate on 160 of our food crops here.
Glyphosate is scientifically accepted to function as a chelator; which draws out the vital nutrients of any living thing it touches.
It is a patented antibiotic; destroying gut bacteria, where 70% of the immune system lies, and the body’s ability to create Tryptophan/Serotonin, and Melatonin, which regulate insulin/diabetes and protect from sleeplessness, depression, bipolar and violent behavior.
It is a proven endocrine disruptor; which impacts, deforms or halts the development of a fetus, leading to miscarriage, birth defects, infertilityand sterility.
It is also a cell disintegrator; breaking down the blood brain barrier and allowing toxins into the brain, (correlating the rise of autism with the increased use of gyphosate as close as 99%.)
The rise of autism is 99% correlated with the increased use of glyphosate. New studies find glyphosate also feeds antibiotic resistant bacteria.
Read the Full Article here.
Read the Press Release here.
See Also:
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