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Panthers: “This Time We’re Going Out To Whitey’s Suburbs and Burning Down HIS Community”

Panthers: “This Time We’re Going Out To Whitey’s Suburbs and Burning Down HIS Community”

Mac Slavo
July 11th, 2013
Comments (909)
Read by 58,167 people
(Pictured: King Samir Shabazz)
In preparation for the possibility of an acquittal of George Zimmerman, The New Black Panther Party has reportedly begun a mobilization campaign to target white communities.
According to a recent post on Sodahead, leader Samir Shabazz and the New Black Panthers are preparing to take the fight directly to those guilty of murdering Trayvon Martin – white people living in suburbs all over America.
“This time we’re doing it right… This time we’re not burning down our communities. This time we’re going out to Whitey’s suburbs and burning down HIS community. We’re going to make Whitey feel the pain.”
Shabazz, who previously made comments insinuating that he’d like to murder white babies and adults, recently made the shocking claim that he’d “love nothing more than to come home with a cracker’s head in my book bag.”
Thousands of tweets and Facebook posts echo Shabazz’s comments, with many users taking to the social networks to proclaim their support for the random killing of whites should George Zimmerman be found innocent.
kill-me-a-cracka(Images Courtesy: Infowars)
With jury deliberations set to begin as early as Friday, residents in Florida where the trial is taking place, should take note.
However, because of the widespread coverage of the case, it’s likely that should civil unrest, riots, or violence break out, it would be a nationwide phenomenon with the potential to randomly target Caucasians and Hispanics all over the United States.
Reports have emerged that New Black Panther Party organizers are already taking steps to bus mobs of people into Florida in the event of an acquittal, so a wave of violence resulting from the Zimmerman verdict is all but guaranteed.
There are those within our government who would like nothing more than to see a race war break out to further and agenda that aims to control the American people under a banner of martial law.
Could the Zimmerman trial be the catalyst they’ve been looking for?
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Author: Mac Slavo
Views: Read by 58,167 people
Date: July 11th, 2013
Copyright Information: Copyright SHTFplan and Mac Slavo. This content may be freely reproduced in full or in part in digital form with full attribution to the author and a link to Please contact us for permission to reproduce this content in other media formats.
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A.Martinez no not that one! says:
So now you know my fellow Americans, what will you do?
Anonymous says:
Bring it. Enough talk, punkasses. Let’s get it on!!!
Field Marshall Shabazz says:
Where the white women at?
Ted Kennedy says:
That’s blazing funny!
Boss Hog says:
How bout sumore beans Mr Taggart?
I’d say you boys have had about enough.
Candygram for Mungo
DRD5508 says:
Folks, caution in your racial slurs.
1st: we once were a christian nation. The enemy is winning, especially when we fall for the race trap.
2nd: Let ‘em make threats, even this guy. He won’t be at the head of the gang attack. He’ll be the mouth that hides behind others.
3rd: Have you every held a fallin black buddy? Worshipped with fellow Christians that are non-white?
4th: don’t give these evil marauders anything to incite other blacks. Let them see light in us (Christ).
5th: it goes without saying, we all have the right to protect our family and property.
Finally: tptb want us to spend our ammo/supplies and energy on each other, thinning us out. I know of people with different ethnicity that’ll fight to assist in fighting these hordes.
Tho ‘Them Guys’ speaks in volumes, he has provided what is working behind the scenes.
Stay as one (American) and keep prepping. Don’t let the hidden powers win by keep us blinded with hate.
  • John Q. Public says:
    The tribe’s banksters would like nothing better than for their victims to be killing each other over skin color while they count their money in their mansions.
    That is the script that the tribe has written for us. Toss that script in the trash.
    Here’s the real script: Nuremberg 2
    Prosecute every single perpetrator of crimes against humanity—banksters, their enforcers, their puppets, their mouthpieces, their talking heads, and, yes, their IDF snipers who snipe children for sport.
    Prosecute the guilty; leave the innocent alone.
  • PuppyPrepper says:
    Bravo, DRD, you speak perfect truth!
  • John Q. Public says:
    Keep it mind who has his finger on “the button.”
    This Kenyan is seething with race hatred.
    The odds are that this will not end well:
    “Let your loins be girt, and lamps burning in your hands.” Luke 12:35
    Well mother don’t you stop prayin’
    Father keep right on prayin’
    Don’t you stop prayin’ for this old world is almost done
    Keep your lamps trimmed and burning
    Keep your lamps trimmed and burning
    Keep your lamps trimmed and burning
    For this old world is almost done
    Brother don’t you stop prayin’
    Sister keep right on prayin’
    Don’t you stop prayin’ for this old world is almost done
    Keep your lamps trimmed and burning
    Keep your lamps trimmed and burning
    Keep your lamps trimmed and burning
    For this old world is almost done
    Keep our lamps trimmed and burning
    Keep our lamps trimmed and burning
    Keep our lamps trimmed and burning
    For this old world is almost done
    Keep our lamps trimmed and burning
    Keep our lamps trimmed and burning
    Keep our lamps trimmed and burning
    For our race is almost run
  • John Q. Public says:
    typo—should be: “Keep in mind…”
  • watching and waiting says:
    If it has not already been mentioned, it has been reported that this person in the picture was arrested within the last 45 days for possession of weapon charges. So, if he was not permitted to carry a weapon, then in most states, that is a felony.
    Everyone, keep a cool head, if possible. All of this could be a trap.
  • DRD5508,
    Very well said. Two thumbs up!
  • DRD5508 says:
    I forgot to add: All this individual is doing is to incite fear among both, black and white. Knowing, people react differently in a state of fear. Ask yourself ‘why he would warn the whites’? Fear! Don’t cave in. If he were trully wanting to attack white suburbs, he’d be more effective if he didn’t warn us all. Surprise attacks are more effective in creating confusion.
  • Field Marshall Shabazz says:
    No racial slur intended. Just a little sarcastic humor from the movie Blazing Saddles, one of the funniest movies ever made that exposes stereotypes and prejudice. Because of it’s truthfulness, it could never be made today due to the enforcement of political correctness to the extreme.

  • The machinations of Babylon’s Banksters never end, nor does the endless list of fools that are their tools.

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