The Terror Attack In France Is Much Larger Than We Think, It Will Get Bloodier, And Its Going To Be In The Streets Of America
Al-Qaida in the Arabian Peninsula is said to have directed the attack against the French satirical magazine Charlie Hebdo in Paris “as revenge for the honor” of Islam’s Prophet Muhammad, a member of the group told The Associated Press on Friday. had obtained yesterday more clues as to the extent of this operation linking it with ISIS as we will shortly discuss. Also Middle Eastern sources stated that ISIS claimed responsibility:
“Abu Saad Ansari leader of all ISIS imams and preachers announced in a mosque in Mosul during Friday prayers that the France operations is a message to all the international coalition countries and will be repeated next in Britain and America. Sheikh al-Ansari said, “The operations of France is a message to all countries of the coalition that participated bombed and killed dozens of our organization in Mosul.” He added: “We adopted the operation in France today and tomorrow it will be Britain and the United States and others and we will carry out a decisive response.”Media sources say that the two brothers involved in the attack in France travelled to Yemen in 2011 and either received training from or fought alongside the group, according to U.S. and Yemeni officials. A U.S. intelligence assessment described to the AP shows that Said Kouachi was trained in preparation to return home and carry out an attack.
Now we have a female Hayat Boumediene, the (non-state-sanctioned) “wife” of hostage-taker Amedy Coulibaly, who died Friday evening during the police raid. Hayat is a suspect in the killing of a female police officer on Thursday. Her ‘husband’ Amedy Coulibaly, allegedly took hostages at a kosher market in Paris today.
Authorities increasingly grew to see links between the attackers after they discovered that Boumeddiene and the companion of one of the Kouachi brothers had exchanged about 500 phone calls. Police said Coulibaly had been a co-suspect with Cherif Kouachi in a court case involving terrorism that never made it to trial. obtained unique photos which the French police released from the investigations:
this 2010 file photo, Hayat Boumeddiene trains with an arrow gun in the
Grenoble area of France, who is wanted in connection with the shooting
of a French policewoman and for being involved in the hostage situation.
PHOTO: In this 2010 file photo, Hayat Boumeddiene and Amedy Coulibaly in the Grenoble area of France.
this picture, above, we see Amédy Coulibaly posing in front of a right
bearing an inscription “There is no God but Allah and Muhammad is his
Soon after, the branch’s senior cleric Sheikh Harith al-Nadhari issued a recording on the group’s Twitter feed commenting on the “blessed raid on Paris.” However, Al-Nadhari stopped short of directly claiming responsibility for the attack.
When it comes to three terrorists officials said they were linked to a Yemeni terrorist network. A witness of Wednesday’s shootings at the offices of weekly satirical newspaper Charlie Hebdo said one of the attackers told onlookers, “You can tell the media that it’s al-Qaida in Yemen.” A member of the al-Qaida in the Arabian Peninsula gave a statement in English to The Associated Press saying the group’s leadership “directed the operations and they have chosen their target carefully.”
The Associated Press also stated that one of the terrorists stated that he was of ISIS (Islamic State in Iraq and Syria):
“BFM also said it spoke with Coulibaly, who said he and the Kouachis were coordinating their actions, and that he was with the militant Islamic State group [ISIS]. The organizations are normally rivals.”So which is it: Al-Qaeda in Yemen or ISIS that was responsible and why there are conflicting statements from the terrorists themselves?
What the media is not discussing is that Al-Qaeda in Yemen has joined ISIS and to the terrorists, while they served under Al-Qaeda in Yemen, some terrorists will mention the branch and others the adopting entity: ISIS.
But this gets to show the problem at hand is not really understood by the media since this new phenomenon is nothing compared to the old Al-Qaeda, especially after the emergance of Caliph Al-Baghdadi, Muslims go into high-geer when a Caliphate is either established or signs of a global Caliphate is soon to be fulfilled looking at the horizon.
All this makes the threat of Islamic terrorism become much more compounded and will prove explosive since all across the Muslim world, officially ISIS, having established a Caliphate, although it lacks backing by many of the scholarly in the Muslim Brotherhood, it has magnetized a litany of major terrorist organizations to collectively work under the same umbrella as they have given the Bay’at (allegiance) to ISIS. The reason for the escalation in terrorism globally is that most of the major terrorist organizations have already joined ISIS. This lump sum includes Jund al-Khilafah (Soldiers of the Caliphate, In North Africa), Al-Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb (North Africa), Ansar al-Shariah (Libya), Taliban (Pakistan), The Islamic Movement of Uzbekistan (Pakistan’s North Waziristan), Al-Tawhid Battalion (Pakistan, Afghanistan), Al-Nusra (Lebanon), Al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula (Yemen), Ansar al-Tawhid in the Land of Hind (India), Anṣār Bayt al-Maqdis (Sinai) Jund al-Khilafah (Egypt) and Boko-Haram in Nigeria.
This paints a frightening picture since all these could be controlled under one command center which can easily coordinate attacks at a much larger scale that in the near future even the United States is not immune from attacks that will dwarf the events in France.
So lets go on the mouse hunt to understand who is involved here whether it is the terrorists in France or their connections abroad and what will emerge is a much bigger picture at hand which in the near future will prove to be criplling to the West. Al-Qaeda in Yemen, which they say were behind the attacks in France is also a partner with Al-Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb (North Africa), both are officially under ISIS and have links to the terrorists in the latest attacks in France. The media is not focusing closely. On September 21 last year reported:
“An Al-Qaeda-linked Tunisian group has offered backing to ISIS, becoming the third jihadist group to do so this week in response to U.S. declaration to fight ISIS. That plus its about time Americans see a glimpse, for the first time, regarding the Fatwa that was captured in the laptop of one ISIS terrorist that calls for the total annihilation of every American. Tunisia is the nation that recruits the highest number of volunteers to join ISIS and fight against the United States. And now Okba Ibn Nafaa the Tunisian armed forces which have resided in mountains near the Algerian border for two years as Al-Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb (North Africa) has given its allegiance to ISIS.”Okba Ibn Nafaa, the Tunisian terrorist outfit is now Al-Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb (Algeria, Libya, Tunisia, Morocco, Mauritania). Cherif Kouachi (one of several involved in the attacks in France) is of Algerian origin, as well as Amédy Coulibaly is of a Mauritanian origin, both are well linked to major ISIS terrorists since they were under the supervision of a top leader in ISIS named Boubaker El Hakim, plus Coulibaly said himself that he was member of ISIS.
El Hakim managed an assassination hit team that killed VIPs; two major politicians in Tunisia; Mohamed Brahmi and Chokri Belaid. So, Boubaker El Hakim who carried out the assassination in France and Cherif Kouachi with Coulibaly have been partners in crime for years according to French authorities. According to French terrorism expert, Jean-Pierre Filiu who told AFP, Boubaker started by joining the Tunisian jihadist brigade Okba Ibn Nafaâ:
“Boubaker El Hakim and probably Cherif Kouachi who carried out the assassination in France joined after their release from the Iraqi branch of al Qaeda network and then shifted to Daish (ISIS). Indeed, Boubaker started by joining the Tunisian jihadist brigade Okba Ibn Nafaâ on Mount Chaambi, on the Algerian border considered as an Al Qaeda unit of the Islamic Maghreb (AQIM) which gave allegiance to ISIS which had a deadly shootout with police on July 2013 prior to joining ISIS. Even though the evidence leads to ISIS, it did not comment when the attack against “Charlie Hebdo” happened and was not officially sponsored by ISIS the parent of AQIM, most likely because the two brothers have not been captured yet. In 2013, after the two murders in Tunisia, this assasin group had been described as “the most dangerous terrorist group, researched internationally” by the Tunisian interior minister, Lotfi Ben Jeddou.”All this is proven once one watches a December 18th video, three weeks ago before the assassination in Tunisia, Boubaker El Hakim is flaunting himself as a major leader in ISIS and even admitting he was the assassin behind the two politicians even giving their names and is still promising to assassinate more in Tunisia and elsewhere, that the “banner of Charles DeGaul and Napoleon will be removed … we will return and assassinate more of you” (see 4:00) he added while calling Muslims to give allegiance to Caliph Al-Baghdadi of ISIS and then compliemted the assassins naming them by name (Kamal al-Qadqadi and others):
Al-Qaeda-linked Tunisian group has offered backing to ISIS, becoming the third jihadist group to do so this week in response to U.S. declaration to fight ISIS. Americans soon will see a glimpse on how Muslims will answer the call to ISIS’s Fatwa that calls for the total annihilation of every American.
Tunisia is the nation that recruits the highest number of volunteers to join ISIS and fight against the United States. And now Okba Ibn Nafaa the Tunisian armed forces which have resided in mountains near the Algerian border for two years as Al-Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb (North Africa) has given its allegiance to ISIS. Clearly, Boubaker El Hakim who lost a brother to American raids has a score to settle and will soon seek vengeance on the United States and plans of assassinations and attacks in the homeland will increase.
From the Gulf, the Maghreb and everywhere in between, fighters from North Africa have answered the Islamic State’s clarion call to arms. Diminutive Tunisia alone is estimated to have contributed 2,400 young men to the Jihadist cause. There are reportedly a further 8,000 men detained by authorities who are trying to leave for the battlefields of the east.
The ISIS Fatwa was written in full by Nasr Al-Fahd, a Saudi theologian calling for the complete annihilation of the United States .
English: The Message Regarding The Ruling For Using Weapons of Mass Destruction Against the Unbelievers
So how did we get here? The United States can see the outcome of meddling in the affairs of Libya and Tunisia when in 2011 it aided in the toppling of what they deemed “dictator” Zine al-Abidine Ben Ali. After his ousting Tunisia has faced a resurgence in activity by jihadists who were suppressed by the previous regime. How many Americans even know Zine al-Abidine to even explain how the man was even a dictator and a tyrant who needed removing? It is obvious now that the Obama Administration’s goals ended in chaos. The blame is not only on Obama. Americans were sold the bill of lies also by the media, both liberal and conservative, that it was time to overhaul the Middle East from its “dictators”. Even now, still, Fox News Bill O’Reilly supports removing Bashar Al-Assad of Syria who is fighting ISIS. The future will prove that mistakes like this will cost America thousands of lives in addition to the spread of Islamic revolution globally.
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