Saturday, December 6, 2014

Government Hostility Toward the Right Wing

Government Hostility Toward the Right Wing

Note:  You might want to start at the Barack Obama Index Page, especially if you arrived here by using a search engine.

The Department of Homeland Security — and its Secretary, Janet Napolitano — apparently see right-wing activists as a great threat to this country.  A greater threat, apparently, than Muslim extremists, or ACORN, or Code Pink, or the animal rights eco-terrorists, since no similar report about any of them has materialized.

The original title of this page was "Homeland Security vs the Right Wing," but then the U.S. Army started exhibiting the same behavior, so another section was added at the top of the page.

Related pages:

Obama's Potential as a Marxist Dictator.

Related page:  Obama moves toward gun control.

The U.S. Military vs. the right wing

DoD to Continue Using Liberal Southern Poverty Law Center as Training Resource.  The Department of Defense (DoD) will continue to use the liberal Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC) as a resource for its training materials despite numerous complaints about the SPLC's biases by a coalition of Christian and conservative groups.  The SPLC's website features a "hate map" that lists the Christian and conservative Family Research Council (FRC) as a "hate group" because of its defense of traditional marriage.  The "hate map" helped inspire convicted domestic terrorist Floyd Lee Corkins in his decision to attack the FRC in 2012 when he shot and wounded a security guard before being subdued.
Mandatory Snoop Program in Army.  "This is a picture I took this evening on a wall just down the hall from my office.  It's new and put up today.  While it may look innocent enough, those in the know realize the paranoia this poster represents.  It's part of this year's campaign against insider threats which included a mandatory online program where you 'vet' other workers based on 'suspicious' evidence.  In other words, the suspects were primarily conservative males who were outspoken against current US policies and adhering to constitutionality.  Females were present but the focus was on white males.
Pentagon training manual: white males have unfair advantages.  A controversial 600-plus page manual used by the military to train its Equal Opportunity officers teaches that "healthy, white, heterosexual, Christian" men hold an unfair advantage over other races, and warns in great detail about a so-called "White Male Club."  "Simply put, a healthy, white, heterosexual, Christian male receives many unearned advantages of social privilege, whereas a black, homosexual, atheist female in poor health receives many unearned disadvantages of social privilege," reads a statement in the manual created by the Defense Equal Opportunity Management Institute (DEOMI).
The Editor asks... What does "social privilege" have to do with the Army?
New Docs Raise Questions About Timing of Order to Suspend Anti-Christian Army Training Materials.  After Breitbart News reported on Thursday [10/24/2013] an official Department of Defense (DOD) document approved the anti-Christian Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC) as a trustworthy source for information on dangerous "extremist" organizations and movements, Fox News released a letter dated Oct. 18 from Secretary of the Army John M. McHugh.  He begins his letter noting a string of anti-Christian presentations and says the material is "inaccurate, objectionable and otherwise inconsistent with current Army policy."
Does Army consider Christians, Tea Party, a terror threat?  Soldiers attending a pre-deployment briefing at Fort Hood say they were told that evangelical Christians and members of the Tea Party were a threat to the nation and that any soldier donating to those groups would be subjected to punishment under the Uniform Code of Military Justice.  A soldier who attended the Oct. 17th briefing told me the counter-intelligence agent in charge of the meeting spent nearly a half hour discussing how evangelical Christians and groups like the American Family Association were "tearing the country apart."
Fort Hood soldiers say Army warned them off tea party, Christian groups.  Don't donate to the tea party or to evangelical Christian groups — that was the message soldiers at a pre-deployment briefing at Fort Hood said they received from a counter-intelligence agent who headed up the meeting.  If you do, you could face punishment — that was the other half of the message, as reported by Fox News.  The briefing was Oct. 17, and about a half-hour of it was devoted to discussion about how perceived radical groups — like tea party organizations and the Christian-based American Family Association — were "tearing the country apart," one unnamed soldier said, to Fox News.
Update: Army halts training program that labeled Christians as extremists.  The Secretary of the Army has ordered military leaders to halt all briefings on extremist organizations that labeled Evangelical Christian groups as domestic hate groups. [...] The Chaplain Alliance for Religious Liberty welcomed the news and said it was about time the Secretary of the Army intervened.  "Men and women of faith — who have served the Army faithfully for centuries — have been likened to those who regularly threaten the peace and security of the United States," said Ron Crews, executive director of the Chaplain Alliance.  "It is dishonorable for any U.S. military entity to allow this type of improper characterization."
US Army Defines Christian Ministry as 'Domestic Hate Group'.  Several dozen U.S. Army active duty and reserve troops were told last week that the American Family Association, a well-respected Christian ministry, should be classified as a domestic hate group because the group advocates for traditional family values.  The briefing was held at Camp Shelby in Mississippi and listed the AFA alongside domestic hate groups like the Ku Klux Klan, Neo-Nazis, the Black Panthers and the Nation of Islam.
Update: Pentagon admits Christian ministry not a 'hate group,' says label does not reflect official doctrine.  The Pentagon has admitted that information used in an Army briefing that labeled the American Family Association (AFA) as a domestic hate group was not acquired from official sources and does not reflect Army doctrine.  Meanwhile, the president of the well-respected Christian ministry says his organization may file a defamation lawsuit against the military.  "We are probably going to be taking legal action," said Tim Wildmon, president of one of the nation's most prominent Christian ministries.  "The Army has smeared us.  They've defamed the American Family Association."
Pentagon Labels Founding Fathers As Extremists.  Under a section titled "Extremist Ideologies," the document states, "In U.S. history, there are many examples of extremist ideologies and movements.  The colonists who sought to free themselves from British rule and the Confederate states who sought to secede from the Northern states are just two examples."  We would not lump the two together necessarily, but the Pentagon does.  And so, apparently, does a leftist group called the Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC).
Defense Department guide calls Founding Fathers 'extremist'.  A Department of Defense teaching guide meant to fight extremism advises students that rather than "dressing in sheets" modern-day radicals "will talk of individual liberties, states' rights, and how to make the world a better place," and describes 18th-century American patriots seeking freedom from the British as belonging to "extremist ideologies." [...] Besides a brief reference to 9/11 and another to the Sudanese civil war, the guide makes no mention of Islamic extremism.
DOD Training Materials Call Conservatives 'Extremists'.  Judicial Watch obtained Defense Department training materials on Friday [8/23/2013] that described conservative and civil liberties organizations as "hate groups."  The training materials used by the Air Force were created to help students "recognize extremists ideologies."  The materials identified conservative values, such as individual liberties and states' rights, as recruiting rhetoric used by "extremists."
Pentagon: Soldiers who spread faith may be prosecuted.  Soldiers who promote their faith can be prosecuted under military law, the Pentagon said in a brief statement released to the media.  "Religious proselytization is not permitted within the Department of Defense," the statement to Fox News stated.  "Court martials and non-judicial punishments are decided on a case-by-case basis."  The statement comes on the heels of a Breitbart report about Pentagon officials who met with Mikey Weinstein, the head of the Military Religious Freedom Foundation, to shape policies that prevent active duty members from sharing faith.
Pentagon Confirms May Court Martial Soldiers Who Share Christian Faith.  The Pentagon has released a statement confirming that soldiers could be prosecuted for promoting their faith:  "Religious proselytization is not permitted within the Department of Defense... Court martials and non-judicial punishments are decided on a case-by-case basis...".
Pentagon: No, we won't court-martial Christians who talk about their religion.  Christians in the military are allowed to discuss their faith, a Defense Department official said in a statement contradicting reports that such behavior could lead to court-martial.  "Service members can share their faith (evangelize) but must not force unwanted, intrusive attempts to convert others of any faith or no faith to one's beliefs (proselytization)," Navy Lt. Cmdr. Nate Christensen wrote in an email to the Marine Corps Times.
Radicalizing the Military.  There have been few sanctuaries of American values as steadfast as the American armed forces. [...] Presently, however, they are under threat from within, and one cannot help but notice that our military is being forced, against centuries of American tradition, morals and example, to become a reflection of the left.  This appears to be part of the plan to fundamentally transform the United States, and it carries dire consequences for our long-term survival.
Military Scours Ranks For Christian 'Haters'.  When Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel recently appeared before Congress, he was grilled by Rep. Randy Forbes, R-Va., about an email sent by an officer at Fort Campbell, Ky., to three dozen subordinates, warning them to be on the lookout for soldiers connected with "domestic hate groups."  Among the groups listed in the 14-page email by Lt. Col. Frank Rich, the Second Battalion, 506th Infantry Regiment Commander at Fort Campbell, were Christian organizations such as the American Family Association and Family Research Council (FRC), immigration reform groups such as the Federation for American Immigration Reform (FAIR), and Atlas Shrugs, run by Pamela Geller and monitoring global jihadist activity.
It appears that it will soon be illegal to be a Christian. Pentagon: Religious Proselytizing is Not Permitted.  Religious liberty groups have grave concerns after they learned the Pentagon is vetting its guide on religious tolerance with a group that compared Christian evangelism to "rape" and advocated that military personnel who proselytize should be court martialed.  The Military Religious Freedom Foundation is calling on the Air Force to enforce a regulation that they believe calls for the court martial of any service member caught proselytizing.
Pentagon Consults Anti-Christian Extremist for Religious Tolerance Policy.  Many media outlets are silent on this disturbing new alliance between fanatical secularists and leaders in the Pentagon appointed by President Barack Obama and Secretary Chuck Hagel, under which the U.S. military would officially consult with someone with such foaming-at-the-mouth passionate hostility toward traditional Christians, including Evangelicals and devout Catholics.  The military — America's most heroic and noble institution — includes countless people of faith, and this represents a radical departure from the U.S. military's warm embrace of people of faith in its ranks.
Pentagon Blocks Access to Southern Baptist Website.  The U.S. Military has blocked access to the Southern Baptist Convention's website on an unknown number of military bases because it contains "hostile content" — just weeks after an Army briefing labeled Evangelical Christians and Roman Catholics as examples of religious extremism, Fox News has learned.  The Southern Baptist Convention is the nation's largest Protestant denomination known for its support of the pro-life movement and its strong belief in traditional marriage.
Assaulting Innocuous Christians and Coddling Terrorists.  Fox News' Todd Starnes reports that the U.S. military has blocked access to the Southern Baptist Convention's website on an undetermined number of military bases because it supposedly includes "hostile content."  Just a few weeks before, as noted in this space, an Army briefing labeled evangelical Christians and Roman Catholics as religious extremists.
I Saw Something, So I'm Saying Something.  I've seen Janet Napolitano, Obama's Homeland Security Secretary, refuse to use the term "terrorism" and insist on calling jihad-inspired carnage "man-caused disasters." [...] I've seen Obama's Department of Defense, which prosecutes our War on Man-Caused Disasters, order a complete purge of "anti-Islamic content" from all military training materials. [...] Just this month, I've seen a U.S. Army training instructor teach his military students that "Evangelical Christianity" is the leading movement of dangerous "Religious Extremism," along with "Catholicism" and "Islamophobia."
The real domestic terrorists.  In the wake of the tragic Boston Marathon bombings, it took mere hours for CNN to strongly hint — without anything so significant as evidence or proof — that right-wing extremists were responsible.  In this, CNN is merely following the trend over the last five years or so in which the government tries to criminalize anyone who disagrees with it.  Therefore it should come as no surprise that Americans who support the Constitution and Bill of Rights are now being reclassified as domestic terrorists, despite the fact that we haven't done anything wrong.
I Went to Bed a Christian and Woke Up a ... Terrorist?  According to the Department of Defense and the Department of Homeland Security, evangelical Christians are now a national security threat.
SPLC Denies Being Source of Anti-Christian Army Training Presentation.  Lawmakers on Capitol Hill are demanding an apology from the Secretary of the Army over a lecture led by an Army trainer that included a slide comparing Catholicism and Evangelical Christianity to groups like Al Qaeda, Hamas, and the KKK.
Will the Left Radicalize the Military?  Listen up, Evangelical Christians, Mormons, Catholics, and Orthodox Jews.  You read the news.  An unnamed instructor with a U.S. Army Reserve unit put together a slide show in which he lumped you together with the KKK, Al Qaeda, and Hamas.  Keep your heads up; that buzzing sound overhead might be a drone coming for you.
Not an Isolated Incident: US Army Officer Smears Christian Groups In Email to Subordinates.  A few days ago, I reported on the shocking story about the Army instructor in Pennsylvania who labeled Evangelical Christians, Catholics, Orthodox Jews and Mormons "religious extremists" alongside Hamas and al Qaeda during an Army Reserve Equal Opportunity training brief on extremism.  An Army spokesman told Todd Starnes of Fox News that this was an "isolated incident not condoned by the Dept. of the Army."  It was not an isolated incident.
U.S. Army lists Evangelical Christianity, Catholicism, and "Islamophobia" as forms of "Religious Extremism".  Obama has repeated many, many times that we are not at war with Islam, and the mainstream media line is that to suggest otherwise would be evidence of "hatred" and "bigotry."  But apparently it is not "hatred" and "bigotry" for the U.S. to declare that Catholicism is the same sort of thing as al-Qaeda.
Rightwing Extremism: Current Economic and Political Climate Fueling Resurgence in Radicalization and Recruitment.  [Scroll down]  "Despite similarities to the climate of the 1990s, the threat posed by lone wolves and small terrorist cells is more pronounced than in past years.  In addition, the historical election of an African American president and the prospect of policy changes are proving to be a driving force for rightwing extremist recruitment and radicalization."
An Extreme Position on Extremism.  The Defense Department came under fire Thursday [4/4/2013] for a U.S. Army Reserve presentation that classified Catholics and Evangelical Protestants as "extremist" religious groups alongside al Qaeda and the Ku Klux Klan.  The presentation detailed a number of extremist threats within the U.S. military, including white supremacist groups, street gangs, and religious sects.
This doesn't involve the Department of Homeland Security, but the effect is the same. U.S. Army lists Evangelical Christianity, Catholicism, and "Islamophobia" as forms of "Religious Extremism".  This is the politically manipulative and ridiculous nonsense that has replaced truthful information about Islam and jihad.  And the implications of it are quite ominous.  Evangelical Christianity, Catholicism and "Islamophobia" are forms of "Religion Extremism" on par with al-Qaeda and Hamas?  Then how long will it be before the Obama Administration goes to war against them, as it has repeatedly declared that it is at war with al-Qaeda?
The Editor says... That's the handiest part of the "war on terror" — the list of designated enemies can be flexed and expanded at any time.
Army lists Christians, Catholics and Jews as Religious Extremists.  How nice of them to include the Ku Klux Klan on the list of Religious Extremism.  Who knew political ideologies were a religion.
Don't Fire Until You See The Whites of Their Cassocks.  When I first saw the headline, I assumed it must all be a little less obviously bone-crushingly stupid or at any rate more nuanced once you got into the story.  But I invite you to look at the accompanying poster for the Equal Opportunity training brief issued by the Army Reserve in Pennsylvania.  It lists "extremist" groups, starting with "Evangelical Christianity" at Number One, "Al Quaeda" (misspelled under any Roman rendering of Arabic) at Number Five, "Hamas" at Six, and "Catholicism" rounding out the Top Ten.
Army Labeled Evangelicals as Religious Extremists.  A U.S. Army training instructor listed Evangelical Christianity and Catholicism as examples of religious extremism along with Al Qaeda and Hamas during a briefing with an Army Reserve unit based in Pennsylvania, Fox News has learned.  "We find this offensive to have Evangelical Christians and the Catholic Church to be listed among known terrorist groups," said Ron Crews, executive director of the Chaplain Alliance for Religious Liberty.  "It is dishonorable for any U.S. military entity to allow this type of wrongheaded characterization."
Limited government group calls for defunding of West Point Terrorism Center.  The group Americans for Limited Government has urged a House subcommittee to defund the West Point Combating Terrorism Center (CTC) after it released a study on terrorism that the organization's president, William Wilson said is targeted against regular Americans. [...] He said the report "makes several dangerously irrational generalizations about the 'far-right,' a stunningly one-sided demonization of conservative ideology."
A New Anti-Terror Front? Yes, the Government Thinks It's 'Right-Wing Extremists'.  The Combating Terrorism Center, which is based at the U.S. Military Academy at West Point, has issued a new report on its website entitled "Challengers from the Sidelines:  Understanding America's Violent Far-Right."  Normally, the center's activities are focused on al-Qaeda and other violent Islamic groups seeking to topple governments around the world. But the latest report looks inside America itself, and if the center is to be judged by the quality of its analysis in this report, it might be wise for all of us to be skeptical of its other work.
West Point center cites dangers of 'far right' in U.S..  A West Point think tank has issued a paper warning America about "far right" groups such as the "anti-federalist" movement, which supports "civil activism, individual freedoms and self-government."  The report issued this week by the Combating Terrorism Center at the U.S. Military Academy at West Point, N.Y., is titled "Challengers from the Sidelines: Understanding America's Violent Far-Right."
The Editor says... If Uncle Sam is looking for violent political extremists, he should look to the far left instead.
Wargaming Termination of Tea Party Extremists.  Our military planners are openly discussing how to kill "Tea Party extremists" who have taken over a small town in the USA. [...] With the federal government incessantly hammering Americans with leftist policy and politically correct dogma, with Americans reflexively and defensively moving to the political "right," we now find the government coolly describing how Tea Party "extremists" will be killed should their civil dissent cross some very indistinct and amorphous line.

The Civil War of 2016.  [Scroll down]  The scenario presented in Small Wars Journal isn't a literary device but an operational lay-down intended to present the rationale and mechanisms for Americans to fight Americans.  Col. Benson and Ms. Weber contend, "Army officers are professionally obligated to consider the conduct of operations on U.S. soil."  This is a dark, pessimistic and wrongheaded view of what military leaders should spend their time studying.

Homeland Security vs. the right wing

Related topic:  domestic surveillance.
Where Are All The Right Wing Terrorists We Were Warned About?  Remember back in 2009, when the Department of Homeland Security warned us that there was going to be a surge of homegrown terrorism by right wing extremists? [...] Guess how many of those attacks have happened.  None.  Zero. [...] You see, that report wasn't based on reality.  It was based on the way progressives view the world and progressives don't fear attacks from right wing extremists, they want attacks from so-called right wing extremists.  Unfortunately, reality has a will of its own and in reality, so far, all of the homegrown attacks have been carried out by Muslim extremists.  That makes the left sad because Islam falls into the cherished category of diversity.
Are we Being Betrayed from Within by an Islamist in the White House?  Obama has said he considers the greatest enemies of the US to be conservatives!  Ultra-liberals have not compared conservatives to terrorists, before Obama.  Why would Obama say this?  Constitutional conservatives believe in an ideal that is an anathema to Islamists — individual liberty, as enshrined in the Constitution!
Homeland Security keeps an eye out for everybody except the Muslims: The FBI's Islamic Terrorism Denial.  The Washington Free Beacon revealed Friday [8/29/2014] that "the FBI's most recent national threat assessment for domestic terrorism makes no reference to Islamist terror threats, despite last year's Boston Marathon bombing and the 2009 Fort Hood shooting — both carried out by radical Muslim Americans."  Instead, the threat assessment focused on eight types of groups:  "anti-government militia groups and white supremacy extremists, along with 'sovereign citizen' nationalists, and anarchists," along with "violent animal rights and environmentalist extremists, black separatists, anti- and pro-abortion activists, and Puerto Rican nationalists."
FBI national domestic threat assessment omits Islamist terrorism.  The FBI's most recent national threat assessment for domestic terrorism makes no reference to Islamist terror threats, despite last year's Boston Marathon bombing and the 2009 Fort Hood shooting — both carried out by radical Muslim Americans.  Instead, the internal FBI intelligence report concluded in its 2013 assessment published this month that the threat to U.S. internal security from extremists is limited to attacks and activities by eight types of domestic extremist movements — none motivated by radical Islam.  They include anti-government militia groups and white supremacy extremists, along with "sovereign citizen" nationalists, and anarchists.
FBI National Domestic Threat Assessment Omits Islamist Terrorism.  The FBI's most recent national threat assessment for domestic terrorism makes no reference to Islamist terror threats, despite last year's Boston Marathon bombing and the 2009 Fort Hood shooting — both carried out by radical Muslim Americans.  Instead, the internal FBI intelligence report concluded in its 2013 assessment published this month that the threat to U.S. internal security from extremists is limited to attacks and activities by eight types of domestic extremist movements — none motivated by radical Islam.  They include anti-government militia groups and white supremacy extremists, along with "sovereign citizen" nationalists, and anarchists.  Other domestic threat groups outlined by the FBI assessment include violent animal rights and environmentalist extremists, black separatists, anti- and pro-abortion activists, and Puerto Rican nationalists.  "Domestic extremist violence continues to be unpredictable and, at times, severe," the report states.
Document: Homeland Security Predicts Rise of 'Anti-Government' Violence.  A leaked document from the Department of Homeland Security's Office of Intelligence and Analysis predicts increased "anti-government violence over the next year."  The document says the inspiration for violence is Cliven Bundy's Bunkerville standoff with the Bureau of Land Management from earlier in the year.  DHS's seven-page report entitled Domestic Violent Extremists Pose a Threat to Government Officials and Law Enforcement points to the recent murders of two Las Vegas law enforcement officers as evidence that there is a "growing trend of anti-government violence compared to the previous four years and inspired by perceived government overreach and oppression" and the "perceived victory at Bunkervile" will "likely prompt more violence."
Conservatives Are Greatest Threat To Nation, Obama Suggests.  Political conservatives are the greatest threat to the nation, President Barack Obama suggested in a kid-glove interview with the New York Times.  "The president mused, the biggest threat to America — the only force that can really weaken us — is us," said the interviewer, Thomas Friedman.  "Our politics are dysfunctional... societies don't work if political factions take maximalist positions," said Obama, who repeatedly claims to be a moderate stymied by the GOP's supposed obstructionism and radicalism.  "And the more diverse the country is, the less it can afford to take maximalist positions," Obama added.
Terror study group finds "sovereign citizens" and "militia/patriot groups" among greatest threat to US.  The nation's law enforcement agencies, from local cops all the way to the Department of Homeland Security, are always on the lookout for terrorist threats, and that includes at home as well as in far flung deserts and mountains.  And they're collecting data on all sorts of groups.  What may come as a surprise is that, if you're a regular reader of Hot Air or many other similar outlets, you might be one of the people they are watching!
Advisor: Obama, NSA use internet to silence critics like Tea Party.  The Obama administration is expanding its online data search of Americans to find potential civil unrest — like the 2010 Tea Party movement — and squash it before they take root, a prominent financial advisor has warned clients.  David John Marotta compared the administration's efforts to those used by former FBI Director J. Edgar Hoover against his critics and 1960s activists.  Targeting activists isn't anything new.  J. Edgar Hoover made it his life's work.  What has changed is the vigor with which the government has assumed its own activism against certain groups, he said.
Holder: 'Homegrown Violent Extremists ... Keep Me Up at Night'.  Attorney General Eric Holder has a "lot of sleepless nights," reported ABC News this morning.  Chief among his concerns?  The threat of "homegrown violent extremists."
Eric Holder's DOJ Sets Up 'Terrorism Committee' to Investigate 'Anti-Government' Extremism.  It is not a controversial claim to state that Attorney General Eric Holder has politicized the Department of Justice.  In the past, this politicization has amounted to stonewalling, monitoring journalists, or dropping ideologically inconvenient cases.  But now the Department of Justice is shifting gears into overdrive and is intent on finding the roots of "anti-government" animus (as if it's a condition of citizenship to support the government no matter what).
Has the Dept. of Homeland Security become America's standing army?  In 2009, DHS released three infamous reports on Rightwing and Leftwing "Extremism," and another entitled Operation Vigilant Eagle, outlining a surveillance program targeting veterans.  The reports collectively and broadly define extremists as individuals and groups "that are mainly antigovernment, rejecting federal authority in favor of state or local authority, or rejecting government authority entirely."  In 2013, it was revealed that DHS, the FBI, state and local law enforcement agencies, and the private sector were working together to conduct nationwide surveillance on protesters' First Amendment activities.
Pentagon preparing for mass civil breakdown.  One war-game, said Price, involved environmental activists protesting pollution from a coal-fired plant near Missouri, some of whom were members of the well-known environmental NGO Sierra Club.  Participants were tasked to "identify those who were 'problem-solvers' and those who were 'problem-causers,' and the rest of the population whom would be the target of the information operations to move their Center of Gravity toward that set of viewpoints and values which was the 'desired end-state' of the military's strategy."  Such war-games are consistent with a raft of Pentagon planning documents which suggest that National Security Agency (NSA) mass surveillance is partially motivated to prepare for the destabilising impact of coming environmental, energy and economic shocks.
Obama Justice Department Pushes to Target "Thought Crime".  Attorney General Eric Holder has announced that the Justice Department will be utilizing a program originally designed to prevent domestic threats to the United States.  The program will label as threats individuals the government has deemed anti-government or racially prejudiced, paving the way to targeting political dissenters.
DHS Still Hasn't Fired Black Supremacist Who Called for Mass Murder of Whites.  The black-nationalist Department of Homeland Security employee who was placed on leave almost four months ago for running a website that espouses the mass murder of whites has still not been fired, an agency spokesperson told National Journal.
Obama's 1984.  The Obama administration allegedly put in place in 2009 a highly classified program to solicit the aid of Christian pastors in identifying and exposing anti-government sentiment within conservative, evangelical churches.  The request was worded in a manner that was intended to give the impression that the concern was about potential domestic terrorism.  One pastor claims he was asked by government operatives to keep his eyes and ears open to anyone in the congregation who was highly critical of the government, and to report such suspicious activity.  The pastor also claims he was told to keep tabs on anyone in his flock who were avid gun owners and/or Tea Partiers.
When your own police label you a terrorist.  Concord Police Chief John Duval recently begged Washington, D.C., for more than $250,000 to buy a military-style "armored personnel carrier" — the Lenco BearCat G3.  Chief Duval claims he needs this military personnel carrier because of groups like the "Free Staters."  He stated in his application that their threats were "real and here" and are providing Concord police "daily challenges."  A "Free Stater" is a person loosely participating in peaceful, social and economic migration:  to move 20,000 Americans who believe in smaller, responsible government to New Hampshire.  I did that.  I came to New Hampshire for that very reason.  So, yes, I guess I am a "Free Stater."  I am also a Republican, a lawyer and a computer nerd.  Concord police want a military-style vehicle because of people like me?
The Truth Behind the Spying.  Why is anybody surprised at what the government is doing to American citizens in the name of fighting terrorism?  The Department of Homeland Security director, Janet Napolitano has made statements that she views certain American citizen groups as dangerous as radical Islamists.  A report by the Homeland Security Office of Intelligence and Analysis defines "rightwing extremism in the United States" as including not just racist or hate groups, but also groups that reject federal authority in favor of state or local authority such as those opposed to abortion and immigration.  Hmmm.  In other words those opposed to this administration's policies, right?
Obama's Climate of Intimidation.  Both parties constantly make accusations that their rival is engaged in hypocritical, unethical, or illegal behavior.  Given the drastic lack of ideological diversity in the American elite media, the general public usually only hears about such accusations against Republicans.  Beyond the fact that biased reporting shapes public opinion to favor the left, it may also have an effect on law enforcement.  The persistent lies that have been told about right-leaning political groups by leading Democrats, including President Obama himself, may have led to the IRS abuses of power that we've heard so much about in recent weeks.
The Way They Are.  [S]hould we take comfort from the claim that the government's inquiries and surveillance are aimed solely at "terrorism"?  Well, perhaps it depends on what the definition of "terrorism" is.  In 2009, early in President Obama's first term, the Department of Homeland Security sent a secret memorandum to assorted law enforcement agencies targeting as "terror" threats those who, for example, oppose "federal authority" and favor "state or local authority," or oppose "abortion or immigration."  In addition, for several years now, assorted DHS statements on "terrorism" have been laced with references to "right-wing" and "antigovernment" sentiments.  In 2011, a DHS training video depicted only white males as terrorists; the video did not portray any terrorists as Muslims, although press reports indicate that in 2009 and 2010 every single one of the 126 people indicted on terror-related charges was a Muslim.
Shielding the Enemy.  [Scroll down]  Finally, the report on right-wing extremism prepared by Janet Napolitano's Department of Homeland Security in 2009 presents the same obfuscating agenda to shift law enforcement awareness away from Islam and toward citizens who are opposed to abortion or illegal immigration, gun owners, and returning veterans as was implemented by Bill Clinton following the first World Trade Center bombing.  Curiously, the DHS report, "Right-wing Extremism: Current Economic and Political Climate Fueling Resurgence in Radicalization and Recruitment," was not based on actions or incidents perpetrated by specific groups but on the potential for extremist action.
Why was the Department of Homeland Security monitoring Tea Party IRS demonstrations?  What's so interesting about 60 tea partiers protesting the IRS in San Jose, California on Tuesday, May 21st?  The fact that this bit of information was conveyed to the protesters by a Department of Homeland Security officer who was also in attendance.  What was a DHS agent doing at the San Jose Tea Party protest?  Why aren't DHS officers protecting the homeland against foreign enemies armed with explosives and hate?  Perhaps because the Obama Administration is more worried about domestic "enemies" armed with the Constitution and love of country.
DHS Whistleblower Says Real Targets Are American Patriots.  Julia Davis, a former Customs and Border Protections Officer, was falsely declared a domestic terrorist and subjected to retaliatory efforts against her by the Department of Homeland Security (DHS).  Her home was raided by a 27 man "special response team."  She was twice falsely arrested and imprisoned, but later exonerated.  She is now a national security expert and has put out a historical documentary titled Top Priority: The Terror Within.  She claims that the War On Terror by the Department of Homeland Security is a charade and that the agency seems to be targeting concerned American patriots.
DHS Training Video Depicts Gun Owners As "Militia Members" Planning Terror Attacks.  Can you imagine the outrage from the left/CAIR if DHS made an accurate video depicting Muslim plotting terror attacks?
Police Militarization, Abuses of Power, and the Road to Impeachment.  DHS's Customs and Border Protection agency (CBP) has been operating Predator drones since 2005, with a current fleet of nine.  Some in Congress seek to expand their use. [...] Given the Obama administration's contempt for the Constitution and its broad definition of "domestic terrorists" to include pretty much anyone they don't like, there is cause for genuine concern.
Second time this month: Obama gun-ban critic raided by heavily-armed fed contingent.  I'm sure his opposition to the President's assault on the Constitution has nothing to do with the raid.  Aren't you?  This is the second known military-style raid on "preppers" in New Jersey in a little over a month based upon the word of informants, and I hasten to add, "known."  There are quite possibly other raids that haven't made the news.  In neither of these instances are the people raided known to have a violent record.  Whether New Jersey is singling out preppers for these insanely over the top, highly dangerous, and extremely wasteful raids are legitimate questions that should be asked of the local, state, and federal agencies in New Jersey that are putting lives at risk to justify their quasi-military toys.
Obama Worries about Mob Violence ... by Americans.  President Obama does worry about a mob mentality. It's just unfortunate that he so often thinks he sees it in his own countrymen. [...] The president's repeated attempts to stave off imagined American extremism stand in contrast with his views about the Muslim world.  He regards their rage toward the United States as an understandable response to the "arrogance" of George W. Bush, Dick Cheney, and the dark night of Republican rule.

Dept. of Homeland Sec. Again Calls Patriotic Americans 'Potential Terrorists'.  Are you a patriotic American that thinks that our American way of life is in danger?  Are you a Tea Partier?  If so, Obama's Department of Homeland Security (DHS) wants you to know that you might be a terrorist.  Or, at least, the DHS wants to characterize you as a potential terrorist, anyway.  Once again the DHS is warning that believing in American exceptionalism or hailing from the right side of American politics is a dangerous thing, just as they did in 2009.

The new terrorists — they're all of us.  [Scroll down]  These are some of the characteristics the feds at the Department of Homeland Security can use to identify terrorists:  anyone who thinks his "way of life" is under attack, anyone "fiercely nationalistic," "anti-global" or "suspicious of centralized federal authority," or "reverent of individual liberty."  These categories include, at one time or another, nearly all of us — liberals who continue to rail at how George W. Bush intended to do wicked things to dissenters, and conservatives who are saying similar things now about Barack Obama. [...] Under the FBI's Communities Against Terrorism program, the bulk purchase of food is labeled a potential indication of terrorist activity."  Who could have guessed that Costco or Sam's Club, where everybody loads up hot dogs, pizza, sides of beef, fruit, vegetables and toilet paper by the ton and fruit juice and root beer in 60-gallon drums, are hotbeds of terrorist scheming.

DHS, 'Rightwing Extremism' and Information Warfare.  The Homeland Security Assessment targeting mainstream conservatism was amateurish, poorly written and its logic absurdly shallow.  It's a shot across the bow in the unfolding information warfare. ... If this DHS Assessment is an example of the kind of analysis our decision makers receive from our intelligence agencies, we are in far worse straits than I had imagined.

Full text of the 2009 Homeland Security report on right wingers.

The Obama Administration Says We're Dangerous, Rightwing Extremists.  Do you reject "federal authority in favor of state or local authority," or "government authority entirely"?  Are you "dedicated to a single issue, such as opposition to abortion or immigration"?  If so, you are a dangerous, rightwing extremist according to Obama's Department of Homeland Security, which bans the use of the word "terrorist" unless it's applied to us rightwing extremists who, for example, are so extreme as to view the grisly murder of the unborn in their mothers' wombs as cold-blooded murder.

The Enemies Within.  It was not long ago that Secretary of Homeland Security Janet Napolitano unveiled a national safety report singling out peaceful pro-life protesters as potential terrorists.  Yet hereto, the only person officially charged and subsequently arrested for threatening to kill a public official in connection with the Obama health care debate happens to be a loyal DNC donor.  You may also recall that on the heels of ramming ObamaCare through Congress, several Democrats projected that right-wing extremists would likely retaliate with violence.  Yet virtually every credible reported incident of politically motivated vandalism since then has been perpetrated mostly against conservative politicians who vigorously opposed the measure.

According to Janet Napolitano, You Are a "Right Wing Extremist" If You ...
 •  Were born in the Deep South
 •  Believe that 9/11 was more serious than Watergate
 •  Wear an American flag in your lapel
 •  Knowingly listen to Rush Limbaugh
 •  Speak and write perfect English, but no Spanish

Thoughtcrime Redux.  If you're reading this, chances are you're a terrorist.  That's because if you are opposed to enlarging the redistributive state and spreading the wealth around, as the bulk of American Spectator readers presumably are, then by definition you're a potential terrorist.  You might even be a militia-loving Nazi, according to a federal report apparently inspired by the paranoid conspiracy theorists of the radical left-wing Southern Poverty Law Center.

Napolitano goes back to Janet Reno's playbook.  Conservatives in America are increasingly prone to agree with William S. Burroughs' quip that "A paranoid man is a man who knows a little about what's going on."  It was opium that made Burroughs so distrustful, but for the Right it's Janet Napolitano.  The former Arizona governor first hit the conservative radar when she took pride in strenuously avoiding the phrase "terrorism" in her Senate confirmation hearing.

Homeland Security document targets most conservatives and libertarians in the country.  Remember that now-retracted Missouri Information Analysis Center report which stated that small-government types (specifically Ron Paul, Bob Barr and Chuck Baldwin supporters) were potential terrorist threats?  According to this new Homeland Security report, all it takes to fit the terrorist profile is to have general anti-government feelings or prefer local/state government to federal control over everything.

Enemy of the State?  According to the notorious recent government report, I am a "radical right wing extremist."  If you didn't vote for Barack Obama, if you're unhappy with our tanking economy and the government's complicity in said tanking, or perhaps more odiously, you are a war veteran — you are, for all intents and purposes, an enemy of the state, subject to surveillance by law enforcement and security officials, who have been officially advised of the danger you represent.

Homeland Security Warns of Rise in Right-Wing Extremism.  The Department of Homeland Security is warning law enforcement agencies that recent news is helping "right-wing extremist groups" recruit new members and could lead to violence, and warns about the possible recruitment and radicalization of returning veterans. ... "Right-wing extremists have capitalized on the election of the first African American president, and are focusing their efforts to recruit new members, mobilize existing supporters and broaden their scope and appeal through propaganda, but they have not yet turned to attack planning," the assessment reads.

Is Texas A Terror State?  According to the Department of Homeland Security, Texas fits the Department's profile of potential domestic terrorism described in their newly released report titled, "Right-wing Extremism: Current Economic and Political Climate Fueling Resurgence in Radicalization and Recruitment".

Federal agency warns of radicals on right.  The Department of Homeland Security is warning law enforcement officials about a rise in "rightwing extremist activity," saying the economic recession, the election of America's first black president and the return of a few disgruntled war veterans could swell the ranks of white-power militias.

Homeland Insecurity.  On April 7, the Department of Homeland Security distributed a counterterrorism assessment to local law-enforcement types entitled "Rightwing Extremism: Current Economic and Political Climate Fueling Resurgence in Radicalization and Recruitment."  The nine-page paper has many on the right questioning what is going on in Washington.

CNN Smears 'Right Wing' As Nazis.  Recycling the mid-1990s liberal smear campaign against grassroots conservatism, CNN has posted an article on the new DHS threat report complete with a Getty Images photo of neo-Nazi and white supremacist flags.  If the report were about Nazi extremists, that picture would be warranted.  However, the DHS report warns against an amorphous "right-wing extremism," failing to mention by name any particular threatening group or intelligence of any planned attacks.

Chorus of Protest Grows Over Report Warning of Right Wing Radicalization.  The government considers you a terrorist threat if you oppose abortion, own a gun or are a returning war veteran.  That's what House Judiciary Committee Ranking Member Lamar Smith, R-Texas, said Wednesday in response to a Department of Homeland Security report warning of the rise of right-wing extremist groups.

US govt faces veteran anger at extremism report.  The US Homeland Security Department, under fire for saying US forces returning from the Iraq and Afghan wars were potential right-wing extremist recruits, said Wednesday it honors US veterans.

Six Things You Should Know About the Homeland Security Report on 'Rightwing Extremism':  [#1]  The summary contains few proper names, has no footnotes of any significance, lists very few sources, and is drafted with a prejudice against anyone who criticizes the role of the federal government in our lives today.  It lumps together in its definition of "rightwing extremism" hate groups, anti-government groups, and single issue groups "such as opposition to abortion or immigration."

Napolitano stands by 'extremism' report.  Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano said she was briefed before the release of a controversial intelligence assessment and that she stands by the report sent to law enforcement that lists veterans as a terrorist risk to the U.S. and defines "rightwing extremism" as including groups opposed to abortion and immigration.

You Might Be a "Radicalized Right-Wing Extremist" If...  What and who exactly are President Obama's homeland security officials afraid of these days?  If you are a member of an active conservative group that opposes abortion, favors strict immigration enforcement, lobbies to protect Second Amendment rights, protests big government, advocates federalism or represents veterans who believe in any of the above, the answer is:  You.

(Right) Winging it At the Dems.  The problem with it is that [the DHS report] makes little effort to document or demonstrate its contention that "extremist" groups are resurgent, that they are right-wing, or that they may be formed from the ranks of "disgruntled military veterans."  Worse, it's very sloppy about what qualifies someone as "extremist" in the first place.  Basically, it's fancy bureaucratese for:  We're guessing bad people will do bad things because the economy is bad and the president is black.  But we have no real evidence.

I Am an Extremist.  According to the U.S. government, I am an extremist.  I am a Christian and meet regularly with other Christians to study God's word.  My faith convinces me the prophecies in the Holy Bible are true.  I believe in the sanctity of human life, oppose abortion, and want to preserve marriage as the union of a man and a woman.  I am a veteran with skills and knowledge derived from military training and combat.  I own several firearms, and I frequently shoot them, buy ammunition, and consider efforts to infringe on my Second Amendment rights to be wrong and unconstitutional.

The Vet 'Threat'.  Hollywood and countless professors warned us:  Military vets are drooling trailer-trash who beat their wives and, at best, wind up as homeless street people — at worst, as homicidal psychos deformed by war.  Now, thanks to our ever-vigilant Department of Homeland Security, the full extent of the danger has been revealed:  Our so-called "war heroes" are rushing back to join right-wing-extremist hate groups to overthrow our government.

Napolitano Apologizes for Offending Veterans After DHS Eyes Them for 'Rightwing Extremism'.  Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano apologized to veterans after a report issued by her department said troops returning from the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan were at risk for being recruited by right-wing extremists.

Enemies Of The State.  The secretary of homeland security equates dissent with extremism.  If you're pro-life or support the right to bear arms, you need to be watched.

Homeland Security Slanders.  There has been a lot of outrage over the Department of Homeland Security's leaked summary report on "Rightwing Extremism," but by far its most odious aspects are its implications that military veterans are fertile targets for radical, violent groups and that right-wingers are inclined toward racism.  Information from this April 7 report was provided to law enforcement officials to help them prevent terrorist attacks against the United States.

Conversely... You Are a Left-wing Extremist If --  On the heels of the "right-wing extremist" controversy coming from the Department of Homeland Security, a counter force is looking to identify and deal with left-wing extremists.  According to prudent sources, You Are a left-wing Extremist If You Believe that...
 •  The U.S. Constitution is unconstitutional because women, racial, sexual preference, and religious minorities were all under represented in 1776
 •  Nancy Pelosi understands the Catholic Church's teachings on abortion better than all popes, past and present
 •  Vast sections of America are still owned by Mexico, despite the Treaty of Guadeloupe, which was approved by both nations in 1848
 •  Silencing conservative talk radio is vital to America's national defense
 •  Sandy Berger was a greater patriot and more honorable than Dick Cheney

Scared of veterans.  The Department of Homeland Security published a report last week warning that military veterans pose a threat to America.  It is a sad commentary on our politically correct government that Muslim Arabs cannot be profiled as potential extremists while our own veterans are.

Top Dem 'dumbfounded' by 'extremism' report.  The top House Democrat overseeing the Department of Homeland Security is demanding that officials there explain how and why they wrote and released a controversial report identifying veterans as potential terrorist threats.  Rep. Bennie G. Thompson of Mississippi, chairman of the House Homeland Security Committee, said in a letter to DHS Secretary Janet Napolitano that he was "dumbfounded" such a report would be issued.

Veterans a Focus of FBI Extremist Probe.  The Federal Bureau of Investigation earlier this year launched a nationwide operation targeting white supremacists and "militia/sovereign-citizen extremist groups," including a focus on veterans from Iraq and Afghanistan, according to memos sent from bureau headquarters to field offices.  The initiative, dubbed Operation Vigilant Eagle, was outlined in February, two months before a memo giving a similar warning was issued on April 7 by the Department of Homeland Security.

Team O Turns Left on Sanity with "Right-Wing Extremists".  Hollywood-fantasy-turned-Washington-reality isn't simply crummy entertainment.  It presents a grave menace to political discourse in this country.  "We want to move away from the politics of fear," Napolitano declared last month to explain her new secretary-caused euphemism for Islamic terrorism.  But not too far.  That is, Napolitano, who supports the DHS report, is plenty content to deal in the politics of fear — just not fear of Islam.  Fear of conservatism, however, is OK by her.  How to make it stick?  The DHS report repeatedly reaches back for inspiration to the 1995 Oklahoma City bombing...

Did someone mention the Oklahoma City bombing?

This is an original compilation, Copyright © 2013 by Andrew K. Dart
Planet Janet.  Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano says she owes an apology to the millions of American veterans she libeled last week as dangerous extremists and potential terrorists.  But she's not backing down on what she insists was an accurate "assessment" of a "right-wing" terrorist threat — saying only that "to the extent veterans read it as an accusation, an apology is owed."  Not good enough.  In fact, the report that DHS released last week was a bizarrely paranoid rant.  Which no doubt is why the agency's own civil-rights division raised red flags over some of the language in the report — only to see Napolitano release it anyway.

Confessions of a right-wing extremist.  My moment of enlightenment occurred recently when the Department of Homeland Security informed me that I'm a rightwing extremist.  I hadn't fully understood this previously.  Before my enlightenment, I'd considered myself many things — constitutionalist, conservative, veteran, gun owner, right-to-life advocate and Christian.  It took Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano to show me what I really am —a whacked-out, rightwing extremist holed up in the remote mountains of western Pennsylvania, clinging to my guns and religion.

Napolitano:  Veterans are Targets of Right-Wing Extremist Recruiters.  The head of homeland security said Sunday [4/19/2009] she regrets that some people took offense over a report warning that right-wing extremist groups were trying to recruit disgruntled troops returning from Iraq and Afghanistan.  But Secretary Janet Napolitano added that "a number of groups far too numerous to mention" want to commit domestic terrorism attacks and are looking for new recruits.

FBI's Newest 'Most Wanted' Terrorist Is American.  The move to add a domestic, left-wing terrorist to the list comes only days after the Obama administration was criticized for internal reports suggesting some military veterans could be susceptible to right-wing extremist recruiters or commit lone acts of violence.  That prompted angry reactions from some lawmakers and veterans groups.

Right-wing extremist and proud of it.  I am, according to Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano, an extremist and potential terrorist.  I oppose the American holocaust of the slaughter of the unborn and I am the extremist?  I oppose the twisting and perverting of our Constitution into a national suicide pact of socialistic dogma and I am the extremist?  I oppose both excessive taxes and the manner in which they are spent (and redistributed) and I am the extremist?

Department of Homeland Security Advisory.  Despite the fact that the DHS has "no specific information that domestic rightwing terrorists are currently planning acts of violence," the ["Rightwing Extremism"] memo specifically smears returning veterans and a host of other sovereign citizens who may hold conservative views; and generally smears conservatism by equating it with "Right-wing extremism"...

Gun Owners 'Threatened and Insulted' by Report on 'Rightwing Extremism'.  The Homeland Security Department's April 7 report on "rightwing extremists" mentions gun owners in addition to war veterans, pro-lifers, and immigration opponents.  Specifically, the DHS report notes how the fear of impending gun bans has prompted a flurry of gun-buying...

This is Not Working.  The recent DHS Report is a perfect example of a news event that should have had people out in the street protesting.  This report, which paints conservatives as potential terrorists, could have (and still should be) used as a bludgeon to show how radical and intolerant this administration actually is.  There should be demonstrations demanding the resignation of the "hater" Janet Napolitano.  It is not enough that the basic story received airplay on many networks and was discussed by the pundits.  The public must get a sense of the outrage that the report represents.  The message should be that the administration is using America's security apparatus to pursue its political enemies as terrorists.

Homeland Security misfires.  The report detailed current economic and political factors that could enhance recruitment for extremist groups.  Yet the report defined extremism in a way that implicates a huge portion of the political spectrum.  Conservatives are right to be angry.

Napolitano Nastiness.  Homeland Security chief Janet Napolitano wasted little time in going after President Obama's most beloved opponents, pro-life Americans.  In a document entitled "Rightwing Extremism: Current Economic and Political Climate Fueling Resurgence in Radicalization and Recruitment," dated April 7, 2009, an "intelligence assessment" is provided to the Department of Homeland Security.

Homeland agency pulled back extremism dictionary.  The same Homeland Security Department office that categorized veterans as potential terrorists issued an earlier report that defined dozens of "extremists" ranging from black power activists to abortion foes.  The report was nixed within hours and recalled from state and local law enforcement officials.  Whites and blacks, Christians and Jews, Cubans and Mexicans, along with tax-hating Americans were among several political leanings listed in the "Domestic Extremism Lexicon" that came out of the Office of Intelligence and Analysis (I&A) in late March.

Yes, the Government Is Out to Get 'Right-Wing Extremists'.  The Department of Homeland Security's release of the "right-wing extremism" report should anger everyone.  Janet Napolitano's faux apology to veterans glossed over the real message of this memo:  to intimidate the 60 million Americans who voted against Obama.

More on Those Dangerous 'Right-Wing Extremists'.  Our review and monitoring of public meetings and publications in Virginia have brought to our attention two individuals who fit these profiles and who, in our informed law enforcement opinion, are right-wing extremists who pose an imminent danger to the United States, particularly the federal government.

House Democrat Crafts Alternative on Probe of DHS 'Right-Wing' Report.  Democrats on the House Homeland Security Committee have crafted a plan to partially block Republicans demands that the Department of Homeland Security explain why it compiled a study that cast "right-wing groups" as a potential terrorist threat.  House Homeland Security Committee Chairman Bennie Thompson has drawn up a resolution that would require DHS to explain to Congress why it created the warning about "right-wing" groups.  His proposal doesn't go as far as a Republican plan that asks for documents and source material that justified the threat assessment.

Government Of, By and For the Politicians.  If you're among the millions of Americans a report from the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) tarred as terrorists last month, you probably rejoiced on Tuesday when a Congressional committee voted to investigate this libel.  But don't pop the bubbly just yet.

Homeland Insecurity.  Nidal Malik Hasan singlehandedly gunned down 43 American soldiers at Ft. Hood, killing thirteen in the process.  Janet Napolitano, and US Army Chief General George Casey's first reaction was to publically express concern about possible repercussions directed toward Muslims.  Months ago, ... while Hasan plotted to attack American soldiers, Big Sis focused on right-wing extremism in the form of pro-lifers, upstanding members of the American military and law abiding gun owners.

Time For A Change?  Obama's Mistakes Say So.  [Scroll down slowly]  There's one more crowning example of Ms. Napolitano's extreme incompetence.  In her March 2009 report on terrorism, she emphasized the dangers of returning servicemen teaming up with right-wing extrem ists to pose a terror threat.  If that's where she sees the main source of terrorism, she is beyond hopeless and clueless.

How would you vote now?  [Scroll down]  Last April Nepalitano and Homeland security had their report leaked out identifying countless Americans as potentially domestic terrorists.  You know, those pesky pro lifers, pro second amendment people, returning VETS, those who support state and federal sovereignty and those uncomfortable and fearful of communist regimes.

Homeland Security Collected Information on Wisconsin Abortion, Pro-Life Activists.  The U.S. Department of Homeland Security conducted a threat assessment of local pro- and anti-abortion rights activists before an expected rally last year, even though they did not pose a threat to national security.

About time to amend that DHS report on 'right wing extremism'.  Based on political philosophy, those without a record of violence are perpetually examined under Napolitano's ideological microscope.  In the meantime a truly dangerous Amy Bishop avoided suspicion after shooting her 18-year-old brother Seth in the chest with a shotgun — killing him. ... Big Sis's surveillance agenda includes monitoring prospective right-wing extremists "not yet turned to attack planning."  For the past year, Secretary Napolitano kept close watch on the benign, while a sibling shooter and double-pipe bomb mailer was legitimately being considered for tenure at a major university.

Homeland chief:  Domestic extremism is top concern.  Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano says terrorists who are U.S. citizens or live in the country legally and plot against the U.S. are just as big of a concern as international terrorists.

Is the Southern Poverty Law Center Terrorizing Decent American Patriots?  The Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC) is very influential in the current administration, almost single handedly responsible for defining "domestic terrorists" for the Department of Homeland Security and ratcheting up the racial rhetoric like never before in U.S. history, in the name of so-called "social justice." ... Just because we don't call it Marxism anymore doesn't mean that it isn't still Marxism.  Even under the much more marketable name "progressive," the policies and results are the same and most Americans know it, even if the Southern Poverty Law Center doesn't.

Inspector Clouseau at DHS.  Readers may recall last April, DHS had no hesitation warning law enforcement officers across the country of possible future violent acts of domestic "right-wing extremism" from "disgruntled military veterans," motivated by a poor economy and volatile political climate.  Willing last year to attach an extremist stigma to our returning, courageous warriors from Iraq and Afghanistan as well as to explain their possible extremist motivation, DHS fails to clearly define from where the major threat to our Nation emanates today and the motivation for it.

Defending Against Enemies Domestic.  Forget about foreign jihadists getting nukes or planting bombs in their underwear.  The real enemies, some say, are domestic militia groups who play at war and those nasty Tea Party racists.

Enemies of the state.  Over the past week, a parade of Democrats have accused members of the Tea Party movement and other opponents of Obamacare of threatening them. ... If this sounds familiar, it's because the Democrats have shown a disturbing pattern of demonizing those who disagree with them. ... If you go to church, believe in protecting innocent life, own a gun or defend your country, the Democrats consider you a potential enemy of the state.  It was no coincidence that the Homeland Security report was issued just as the Tea Party movement was gaining real national traction.

The Extreme Left:  A Ticking Time Bomb.  The Mainstream media (MSM) is currently peddling the Obama Administration myth that patriotic Americans, many of whom have served in our military or who otherwise have an American flag hanging proudly in their front yards, pose a grave threat to our nation's security.  We have seen calls for Republican leaders to denounce Tea-Partiers and other activist groups opposed to Obama's agenda.  We are currently seeing our nation's Department of Justice being hijacked to score political points for the Far-Left.

Related story: DHS funded propaganda event cancelled.  According to the Des Moines Register, Pottawattamie County officials chose to address the possibility of a terror attack by young white supremacists against illegal immigrants and racial minorities as the basis for their drill.  County officials said this scenario was chosen to meet the requirements for Department of Homeland Security funding.  This would be attack is consistent with the 2009 DHS report on domestic terrorism in which Veterans, pro-life advocates, 2nd Amendment supporters and many other loyal American citizens were included in their list of potential domestic terrorists.  Due to public indignation over the obvious political agenda of the "anti-terror" exercise, local organizers decided to cancel the event.

Obama Administration is Paying for Science Fiction Scripts.  What is the best way to secure funding for anti-terror training exercises from President Obama's Department of Homeland Security?  First, you have to create a fictitious scenario where hundreds of lives are threatened by a terrorist organization.  But please, make sure your scenario is as fictitious as possible.  I mean really fictitious.  Like, instead of the terrorists being anti-American, Muslim radicals, make them homegrown white supremacists.  Send your script to DHS and just wait for your check to arrive.

Obama Administration is Paying for Science Fiction Scripts.  What is the best way to secure funding for anti-terror training exercises from President Obama's Department of Homeland Security?  First, you have to create a fictitious scenario where hundreds of lives are threatened by a terrorist organization.  But please, make sure your scenario is as fictitious as possible.  I mean really fictitious.  Like, instead of the terrorists being anti-American, Muslim radicals, make them homegrown white supremacists.  Send your script to DHS and just wait for your check to arrive.

Video portrays white middle-class as the most likely terrorists. Who does Homeland Security thinks poses the greatest risk?  A video released by the Department of Homeland Security urging people to report anything suspicious has caused outrage by characterising white middle class Americans as the most likely terrorists. ... But the controversial video has angered some Americans due to the fact all the actors who play the would-be terrorists in the video are white, and the people who report them are either black, Asian or Arab.

Jackson Lee at Radical Islam Hearing: Let's 'Have a Hearing on Right-Wing Extremists'.  At a hearing of the House Committee on Homeland Security today about the radicalization of young Somali American Muslims by the al-Shabaab terrorist group, Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee (D-Texas) said the committee should hold a hearing on "right-wing extremists" in the United States.

Terror War Expanding, Shifting to the Right.  Even before the July 22 terror attacks in Norway, the U.S. Department of Homeland Security (DHS) was hyping fears about terrorism coming from average Americans — conservatives, veterans, Tea Party types, and others.  Prior to mass-murderer Anders Breivik's rampage that killed over 75 people, DHS released what critics labeled a "propaganda" video that "characterizes white middle class Americans as the most likely terrorists."  The film showed various minorities calling authorities to report suspicious whites in almost every scenario.

FBI Targets Constitutionalists.  Recently, the Phoenix FBI Joint Terrorism Task Force released an "information sheet" to assist uniformed patrol officers (local law enforcement) in identifying potential domestic terrorism.  With a continuous need to put a label on everything, the FBI included six categories of such possible terrorist ideologies:  Right Wing, Common Law Movement, Single Issue, Hate Groups, Left Wing, and "Weapons of Mass Destruction."  As one who previously created lessons for the U.S. government in anti-terrorism initiatives, I am utterly dumbfounded.

All the Wrong Things.  "Big Sis" Janet Napolitano is back to warning Americans to be on the lookout for "right wing extremists" such as military war veterans, pro-life activists, and anyone who prefers smaller government.  In conjunction with the "White People with Bombs" video, the Department of Homeland Security released a bulletin that listed several examples of potential terrorists, including last month's thwarted plot by a US soldier to launch an assault in Fort Hood, Texas and the July attack by — you guessed it — a "right-wing extremist in Norway" who slaughtered dozens of innocent children.

'If You are a White, Middle-Aged American Male, You Might be a Terrorist!'  The DHS has released yet another public service announcement-style video to push its If You See Something, Say Something campaign to encourage public vigilance in the War on Terror.  The problem is, like previous PSA videos, the only way DHS can portray terrorists is as white men or women.

DHS Video Characterizes White Americans as Most Likely Terrorists.  A new promotional video released by the Department of Homeland Security characterizes white middle class Americans as the most likely terrorists, as Big Sis continues its relentless drive to cement the myth that mad bombers are hiding around every corner, when in reality Americans are just as likely to be killed by lightning strikes or peanut allergies.

Homeland Security: You're All 'Militia Extremists' Now.  A recently published "lexicon" distributed to thousands of federal, state, and local law enforcement agencies by the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) targets citizens concerned about their Second Amendment rights and the steady encroachment of the federal government, categorizing such as "militia extremists." ... So what drives militia extremism according to DHS now is "belief that the government deliberately is stripping Americans of their freedoms."  It is demonstrated by opposing "many federal and state authorities' laws and regulations, (particularly those related to firearms ownership)."  Would writing about those topics (as I am now) fall under "facilitation"?

Newest Domestic Threat:  "Sovereign Citizens".  How large has this epidemic of "sovereign citizens" grown?  According to the FBI, 18 sovereign citizens were convicted of mainly white-collar crimes in 2010 and 2011, up from 10 in 2009.  Two of these sovereign citizens were involved in two separate police shootings in 2010 and 2011.  So there's certainly been some violence coming from these anti-government activists.  But based on the data provided by the FBI, is this really a threat that warrants a major press conference?  It's hard to reconcile this report with the one in the New York Times today, which claims homegrown terrorism by radicalized Muslims poses "little threat" to the U.S.

FBI Announces that Americans Are Now a Threat to America.  Following the pattern of other provocative statements about potential domestic terrorist threats from the Obama Justice Department, the Federal Bureau of Investigation has issued a statement exposing the threat of "hundreds of thousands" of "sovereign citizens" who can turn violent "at the drop of a hat" during encounters with the police. ... This may be the most exaggerated and offensive example of specious fearmongering to come out of an administration which has been promoting irrational fear of generally harmless groups of citizens for three years.

DHS Labels Liberty-Lovers as Potential Terrorists.  By the Department of Homeland Security's standards, anyone who just celebrated the Fourth of July can be capable of terrorism.  A new study by the DHS states that "those who are reverent of individual liberty" may promote terrorism. [...] But while the report identifies seemingly average Americans as potential terrorists, it completely ignores any references to Islamic terrorism.  In fact, its table displaying the "hot spots" for religious terrorism indicates that there was no such terrorism in New York City in the 1990s — totally disregarding the 1993 bombing of the World Trade Center in that city.

When Loving Your Country Marks You As A Domestic Terrorist.  When I first became involved in political issues and events some 45 years ago as a young man just out of high school, it was because I believed in the ideals of our Founding Fathers.  I had a young man's zeal for the American dream of individuals living their lives free of government control and harassment.  I was comfortable in the knowledge that I lived in the greatest nation on earth, where I could speak my mind; choose my own future; and nothing but my own limitations would stand in my way. [...] Today, as I stand for exactly the same ideals of American liberty as I did in 1967, I have just been labeled a threat to my country by the Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC).  In fact, they say I am a right wing extremist, a racist and a potentially violent domestic terrorist.

Somewhat related... U.S. Army Characterizes 'Conspiracy Theorists' as Terrorists.  A leaked U.S. Army document obtained by Wired Magazine characterizes people "frustrated with mainstream ideologies" as potential terrorists, while also framing those who "believe in government conspiracies" as violent radicals.

"All tyranny needs to gain a foothold
  is for people of good conscience to remain silent."
Thomas Jefferson          

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Updated October 24, 2014.

©2014 by Andrew K. Dart

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